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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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Just now, BIGFOOTspaceman said:

This years first and second, next years first and two seconds. That'll move you up quite a ways and would be very attractive to a developing team.  Only took me half a second to come up with that scenario. 

That's way too much to give up on a WR in a loaded WR class imo... That's the haul you only give for a no-brainer stud QB

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2 minutes ago, BuffaloBill said:



Have no idea if numbers are correct but this is among the early info out on cap situation.



So if this is accurate, this basically costs the Bills $4 Million additional this year, and they are scott-free otherwise.


Does anyone here know whether or not that $31.096 can now be spread across 2 years?  If so, that can provide some immediate savings.  


Thirdly, I wonder if Diggs is going to press the Texans for an extension/restructure with such little guaranteed money?

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3 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


That's the "by the book" breakdown.


Houston can take on any amount they want, and even trade us cash for a player.


We'll have to see how this shakes out.



Edited by ndirish1978
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3 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

Football wise...I am EXCITED about the roles of Shakir and Kincaid expanding.  Management wise, I am puzzled why we didn't do this after June 1st and lessen the cap burden given we didn't get back any draft capital in this draft.  


I am actually not that concerned about the offense, I think we will still be an elite offense, I mean we were last year and went 6-1 with our WR1 and WR2 producing very little in that time last year.  


I just don't understand the timing if we didn't get a pick in this draft.

I assume the valued the draft capital to move up this month more than the cap burden savings of waiting until after the draft.

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Just now, Donuts and Doritos said:

There has to be a Huge back story we don't know about. The compensation seems like Beane wanted to be rid of him & his cao hit. Either Diggs really wanted out & it was worse than we know (like his production went down bc he quit) OR Beane thinks he's cooked & not worth the $. I'm sure there could be other options too. It seems like a sudden rash trade.

It's a bad trade no matter how people try to rationalize it. GM's do dumb things sometimes. It happens

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Just now, KingBoots8 said:

Regardless of whatever behind the scenes stuff played out, and whatever his feelings are about the team, I’ll say this:



Thank you Stef.


Yeah - great player here. Never got over the top, but anything other than thank you for the contributions isn't really fair to the guy.  



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6 minutes ago, Mark Vader said:



Have no idea but I would imagine Beane has a plan here. They HAVE TO get a top WR now if they plan on competing for a Super Bowl this year. 

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Just now, first_and_ten said:


Wow, Beane is willing to take his medicine this year. The Bills are taking a major step back this year!!


You assume they take a step back - I do not see it that way - Diggs was a non factor in the second half of the season.  The Bills have the opportunity to upgrade and move on.

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3 minutes ago, LLCoolCy said:

Higgins, Ayiuk and D. Adams would be the available trade targets. Appears this off season Beane is looking to start phase 2 of the Josh era and getting younger which would cross off Adams (and his large contract). I don't see Cinci trading Higgins to the Bills or any other AFC contender but could be a FA target next year. Ayiuk was rumored to be offered to Jax for #17 and Z Jones... He will need an extension but that can massaged to fit this year. Ayiuk would be the target if Beane is looking for an immediate trade. 

Offer Cinncy a 1st and the new 2nd they probably take that trade. But the question is if Higgins wants to extend with Buffalo

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1 minute ago, BillsfaninChicago said:


In fairness I then proceeded to demonstrate that I have no idea what I am talking about…


It’s kind of an ironic ending that a massive wide open diggs drop caused ‘the process’ to fail last year lol 


diggs wasn’t right for months…not sure if it’s his motivations and maybe new scenery will help him out but he just wasn’t nearly the same player the latter half of last year 

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6 minutes ago, Einstein said:


Very weak comp.

The Bills wanted him gone.


Yeah, and I was saying all offseason I felt there was no way we would trade Diggs before the draft and take on that much dead cap hit unless something behind the scenes forced the issue.  And thus far, nothing has come out that would qualify as significant enough to make this move.


So it makes me wonder what we are going to find out now that Diggs has been moved.  Seems like this had to be an "addition by subtraction" move in Beanes eyes to take on that dead cap and not even get a pick in this WR rich draft back.  I mean he didn't even wait until after June 1st when the cap was less of a hit which would have made more business sense given we got no picks back in this draft. 


So I am really curious to what we are gonna hear that was going on behind the scenes that he had to make this move and take this weak compensation back.

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