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  1. Allen’s more of a dual threat find a way to win qb though…tua if he doesn’t have mismatches all over the field doesn’t seem like he can carry the offense. Their offense seems to trade off winning every game they’re supposed to for losing nearly every game to an equally talented or better team just can’t imagine them really being competitive in the playoffs paying him that money.
  2. I think the teams with better defensive personnel caught on to what the dolphins were doing as the year went on and tua just doesn’t have another gear he can go to their schedule always seems to have an easy stretch in the middle which builds the tua hype
  3. Top is a stretch there imo…I think he’s a solid qb in a dynamic offense making top qb money which will cause the offense to get a little less dynamic over time probably lol
  4. Definitely true but at some point that’s gotta reflect on someone in the front office/the coach lol if this was a short term issue I’d give him full benefit of the doubt
  5. Feels like selective criticism…I’m sure he misses things pre snap but every qb does. He attempts some throws into traffic and yea some are reckless but a majority of the time his receivers just didn’t have the separation
  6. A single season of football is just so hard to predict. Maybe the overall roster took a step back but it could work out to be the same deep playoff run chances if Milano stays healthy for example. It takes a ton of guys stepping up huge to overcome something like aj klein getting forced into a major role against playoff mahomes I do think Hyde,poyer,Diggs,and Morse were a bit overrated last year for stretches of games and the roster falloff is not nearly as big as the pundits are projecting but I guess we shall see
  7. It’s pretty much splitting hairs when you get to the top 3 or so qbs. Its real difficult to normalize for the talent these guys are surrounded by to really rank one as significantly better than the other If you swapped defenses in that last bills/chiefs playoff game I think the bills run away with it as one example then there’s a pretty big shift in the mahomes vs Allen debate even though the big discrepancy in that game was on the defensive side. Way too much stock is put into a football game being qb vs qb
  8. Seemed like he and Josh just didn’t gel either…they were always reading those option routes differently
  9. On the flip side of that coin the chiefs had this level of wr and won the Super Bowl 😂 i feel like Kincaid has to be factored in even if you’re talking about wr specifically and the dolphins/jets don’t have a guy like that
  10. Paying a good not great qb the amount of money he’s looking for is kind of the kiss of death though in the medium/long term. Short term though yea it helps if he stays
  11. If you replaced Diggs for mvs in our playoff loss we probably win 😂. The dude made a couple big contested catches. in all seriousness though idk why people are talking like we’ve gotta replace prime Diggs to upgrade what we had last year. Diggs was playing like a decent wr2 down the stretch. Could be he was mentally checked out and a change of scenery will help but I’m not so sure. He’s never had burner speed and seemed to get pretty unreliable with contested catches
  12. What was he at wide open post routes in the middle of the end zone though lol. Probably higher than that
  13. Dude stepped up huge in the playoffs…had some big catches against us too
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