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  2. Our goal should be finding a great talented QB in the 3-6th rounds and then flipping them for a 2nd or a 1st 4 years after development. They serve as a security blanket in the event your starter goes down, and serve as capital gains.
  3. So when does Allen redo his deal, lol.
  4. I meant that “performance art” stuff like CdS and Blue Man Group isn’t usually my thing. 😂 Butt head.
  5. Doesn't Dak need to win more than 2 playoff games to demand more money?
  6. That’s why his “I shouldn’t have been playing last season” comment annoyed me. Without exaggeration, Von was consistently the weakest player on defense. It should have become clear to both the Bills and Von that he physically wasn’t ready, yet it took them until Week 17 to figure this out. I think it’s a long shot that Von will ever get back to the player he was pre-ACL. But he was so bad last season, I think it will be impossible for him not to play better. I’d bet anything that this is his final season with Buffalo. With that being said, I don’t fault Beane for taking the big swing to land Von. Every player is one bad injury away from changing the trajectory of their career and you can’t really predict ACL tears.
  7. It’s always been a problem, but that doesn’t mean we just ignore it and don’t try. The GMs job is to find high quality backups and trade them for extra pieces if the room gets too crowded. Even if you can’t afford a high quality backup when you draft them, you trade them away and get extra capital before their contract is up. You then get 4 more years of another quality player if you draft well.
  8. Sure he will. She’s the presumptive nominee and already has the backing of the party. Obama even called their bluff and endorsed her formally. The prosecutor vs the convict will probably not happen. If it does, Trump will just embarrass himself. Hell, he embarrassed him self last time, just Biden was more embarrassing.
  9. Agreed. The agent was waiting for one of the domino's to fall. I'd take Love all day. To me, Tua has hit his ceiling and you can see his limitations. Tua has a great support in his OC and weapons. Love did so much more with less and has only scratched the surface.
  10. It was less distraction than dominating them, getting complacent and letting them back in the game. They made it close...but still lost.
  11. If I created it, it would get merged in no time flat.
  12. He'll debate her when they make her the nominee. It's right there in front of you.
  13. Tyreek wants more money too. I think this is it. Tua 53, Waddle 28 and Hill 18 (and will want more)... that is almost 100 million on 3 players with 155 million for the rest.
  14. Russell Wilson trade and deal with the Broncos was definitely the biggest mistake and it's not close. Even if Tua doesn't play another down for the Dolphins, the Broncos still win that award.
  15. Maybe he can grow a pair and decide to debate her. But as of now, he’s a ball-less coward who is scared of Kamala.
  16. Or Kemp and Lamonica! This was light years ago in another galaxy that did not have free agency. Teams need to pay their starters so much more nowthey cannot afford another starting level QB as QB 2.
  17. The media has exposed themselves for the liars they are. They apparently don't care/about their reputations anymore.
  18. I watched some of the opening ceremony. I thought it was interesting that they had Rafael Nadal, and then Serena Williams, and then Carl Lewis and then Nadia Comaneci, all fine upstanding French citizens, carry the torch...
  19. Yeah but he's been there for 4 years. They know him, he played well and was going to get paid now or later.
  20. I think he’s a similar QB to what Goff was in LA. These are good QBs you can win with.
  21. Dak is going to get 60 million a year next year
  22. One solid season as a starter and B💥💥M. Kinda sketchy to me.
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