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Doc Brown

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    JFK Drive (formerly Riverside)

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  1. He's had one good game against us in seven starts (1-6) with 6 TD's, 7 INT's, 207 ypg, and a 77.4 passer rating. It's not just against us but against any decent defense. This is a time for celebration.
  2. I get it but it's nothing new. Part of the primary process as party leaders is trying to balance the will of the voters and picking the best candidate running to win. That means making strategic moves in the primaries like they did in 2020 when Klobachar, Buttigeg, and Biden were siphoning off the moderate vote giving Bernie primary wins without a plurality of votes. They made a strategic move before Super Tuesday to make it a Biden vs. Bernie contest and Biden crushed him the rest of the way because they correctly assumed the democratic voters were more align with the moderate wing (and it obviously gave them the best chance to win). I'll let you have fun with your general election conspiracy stuff though because I think both sides do the best they can to cheat.
  3. Very touching. Can't imagine what they've gone through the last couple of years.
  4. No. Democratic presidential black turnout percentage rate was at an all time high in 2008 and 2012 when a black candidate was on top of the ticket.
  5. Probably black voters that voted in 2008 and 2012 that didn't vote in 2016 and 2020.
  6. It's so amusing how Republicans are more ticked off about this than Democrats. Hillary and Biden saved us from the chance of a crazy socialist nominee that would've sent this country into a depression if elected. They also had more votes. As for Biden this year, has a politician ever re-signed from running after winning the primaries? The 2020 primaries where she performed so poorly she withdrew before the primaries. LOL. I think Dem voters would've been happy with pretty much anybody after the Biden debate debacle.
  7. If Rodgers couldn't make it under LaFleur. I just don't see how he can win it under Saleh in a tougher conference. By the way, last year before preseason USA Today predicted Eagles over Jets. Eagles at least made it to the Wild Card round before being bounced by the mighty Baker Mayfield.
  8. He's the betting favorite. PA is the most coveted swing state.
  9. I said "closer to" which isn't a high bar to clear. Progressives don't like him so that's a good start. Mostly because of his support of increasing the number of police officers, lowering the PA corporate tax, his support for Israel, and his previous lack of support for any vaccine mandates.
  10. Yeah. Definitely go with someone perceived as closer to the middle than her as she's always been viewed as further to the left than Biden. Shapiro just makes too much sense and I'd be shocked if he wasn't the pick.
  11. I think most of the haters of this pick are slowly coming around. It's still so weird to me that Beane openly expressed that he learned Josh likes the small shifty guys that get open (like Diggs) to the taller more physical WR's that win 50/50 balls. Then he drafts the latter after getting rid of the former.
  12. Last time we were in this situation was LBJ and he didn't resign. So......I'm guessing we're just going to have to hold our breath for half a year.
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