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    Buffalo, New York

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  1. Now taking bets on which threads get merged into the other threads.
  2. Young was signaled to be Montana's replacement. You want to draft Josh's replacement now?
  3. If the temperature gets below 40 degrees, Tua simply isn't affective. Lot of wasted money and it will handcuff the Dolphins for a number of years.
  4. I have a beer a set. Sets last about 1 hour, 15 minutes. (Speaking of one who plays in a band).
  5. Yahoo today. "I'm sure glad we work in a Mac/Slack environment rather than a Windows/Teams environment."
  6. My dog killed a baby bunny who was hours old. Damn bunnies for building a nest right next to our steps where the dog goes out to pee and stuff.
  7. At least Canadian Tire is open. Unlike the LCBO...
  8. Rick DiPietro says hold my beer. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/rick-dipietro
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