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Special K

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    just north of Orlando FL

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  1. As the saying goes: Opinions are like A**holes......everyone has one, and most of them stink.🙂
  2. Finished season 2 and 3 of The Outlaws......what a great show! I'm actually disappointed that I'm finished with it, wish there were more seasons to watch. It is definitely worth the watch for anyone who hasn't seen it.
  3. Hey, what gives......I go a few days without starting a new over/under thread, and you swoop in and steal my act!!!!😛 As for the question, I went over not because I think the Bills will run a great deal more than they did last year(they probably will run it a little more than last year), but because the RB room is a lot stronger than last year. Cook with another year of experience, the young fresh legs of Ray Davis, and a full year of Ty Johnson at RB3 is far superior to an injured Damian Harris and a Latavious Murray with not much tread left on the tires
  4. It's a definite possibility, that's why I said I will take the optimistic approach.
  5. I am really looking forward to having these two guys back manning the 2 LB positions in this D in the coming year! These two were real turnover machines in the beginning of the season before Milano's injury, and Bernard held his own the rest of the season but was not as dynamic as he was when playing next to Milano. Of course, both were extremely missed in the playoff game vs. KC.....I really feel that game would've had a different outcome with the two of them out there and healthy. Obviously, this question comes down to the ability or luck of them both staying healthy, so I have included a second over/under regarding combined games missed due to injury. Milano is All-Pro caliber if he is "back" from his recent injury, and Bernard is Pro-Bowl caliber especially playing next to a healthy Milano. My Prediction: I am taking the optimistic view on this one....Milano and Bernard are due some luck on the health front, and I'm expecting big things from this duo this year. Over on the combined turnovers, under on the combined games missed due to injury. Thoughts??
  6. When the Bills do this play, I like to call it the "Buffalo Bulldozer"!
  7. LOL good one. I added the .5 to prevent the dreaded "push"..........no pushes allowed, you've got to pick a side!
  8. Josh Allen scored 15 rushing TD's last year......15!!!! That would be an amazing total for a RB, and an almost unbelievable total for a QB. Of course, "amazing" and "unbelievable" is just another day at the office for JA. I am sure the coaching staff is hoping the addition of Ray Davis will take the load off of Josh in goal-line situations, thus lowering that high bar of 15 TD's in the coming season. My prediction: If anyone can replicate a 15 rushing TD season by a QB, it would be Josh, but in the end I think Davis will take away some of those goal line TD's. Josh will still have some of his highlight reel rushing TD's this season, but his overall total will be lower this year...maybe in the 8 to 10 TD range. I'm taking the under on this one, but would not be surprised in the least if he hits the over. What say you??
  9. Glad to see so many on this board so upbeat about the TE position! I've seen many people say they think Kincaid can get 110 receptions on his own.....while I think there is a decent chance he gets to 100, that is still a big ask for a 2nd year TE.....I would consider 80-90 receptions a successful season for Dalton. I believe Kincaid and Knox have the talent to put up big numbers, I just hope Brady can create an offense that gets the most out of these guys, and really makes Kincaid the centerpiece weapon after the departure of Diggs.
  10. This one could be a little tricky, because we can't be sure exactly how Brady plans to use Knox. Will the Bills feature 2 TE formations? Will Knox be able to not stay in and block as much due to an improved O-line? Can Knox stay healthy? As for Kincaid, I see no problem with him being able to replicate his reception total from last year of 73, but will his receptions increase as he becomes more of a centerpiece of the passing offense after the departure of Diggs? My prediction: 85 receptions for Kincaid, 32 for Knox for a total of 117. I'm taking the over.
  11. I guess the answer hinges on just how "back" Von Miller truly will be this season. I feel that this trio needs to reach the over for the Bills D to be formidable enough to seriously compete in the postseason. If this trio is underperforming, a move at the trade deadline for a pass rusher(hopefully Khalil Mack) will be a necessity for the playoff push. Thoughts??
  12. If the Bills are looking strong at the trade deadline, I would love to see a Khalil Mack "rental" to get them over the top for the playoff run.......heck, if Mack and the Bills do well in this scenario, the thought of re-signing Mack to a contract to finish out his career in Buffalo would not be out of the question.
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