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  1. We were a zombie team at that point, and the two wins after the Cincy game really speak more to how bad the Pats and Phins were falling apart in order to lose to a team that had nothing left in the tank and didnt want to be on the field. We sleepwalked through those games before finally getting put to bed by the Bengals.
  2. McDermott has struggled against QBs ranging from Mahomes and Burrow to shlubs like Mac Jones, Sklyer Thompson, Zach Wilson, and Easton friggin Stick. The ONE QB he absolutely owns and has figured out is Tua.
  3. As pointed out, once. And the stat lines from the heat game: Josh 42/63 400yds 2TDs, 8 carries for 50yds rushing Tua 13/18 186yds 1TD
  4. Diggs was great for the Bills and played a huge role in the growth and development of Josh Allen. I would hope that in 10 years Bills fans would be over themselves and recognize and respect Diggs for the player he was. I get wounds are fresh now (kinda), but much longer and it just looks like a petty, spiteful, ignorant fan base hating on one of their best former players. Reed had issues with Kelly, fist fights, threatened to leave Buffalo numerous times because his wife hated it here, was (is still) a huge ahole to fans at times especially when you catch him coked out, never won us a Super Bowl and melted down in SB26. We still love him.
  5. For that to happen again, we would have to get rid of the CBA and modern NFL as we know it. We had Kelly/Reich before there was Free Agency and the Salary Cap, and before it was a passing league that prioritizes and pays QBs above all others.
  6. Just put the headline in the thread title so we dont get 10 duplicate threads. There's no other news.
  7. Didnt need a whole new thread for this, but saw on ESPN Get Up! this morning. Their trivia question: Q: Who is the only active HC to have a winning record against Mike Tomlin (min. 5 games)? A: Former college teammate, Sean McDermott. 4-1 Neat to have our guy mentioned. However, that is just the post-Ben era. Similar to our recent record against the post-Brady Pats.
  8. Go back to the very first post and click Edit. It will let you edit the title as well as the body of the message.
  9. This is how I read the title too You try Long Drinks yet? It's basically Gin & Grapefruit/Squirt in a can. Been my official drink of Summer 2024 https://thelongdrink.com/thestory/#
  10. Another vote for Bo. Even tho I was a diehard Bills fan in the 80s, I still had a Raiders hat and poster, and got the book Bo Knows Bo for my 10th bday.
  11. Being out in an Atlanta sports bar for the draft when that pick was made is one of my all time real life sports highlights. Absolute chaos.
  12. Depends on your definition of "they". Some in the FO and ownership? Most likely. But it was pretty clear that KOC wanted someone more malleable and moldable who would do exactly what he said and only what he said, his way. Their conflicts were evident even in the kumbaya-editing of Quarterbacks on Netflix. I'm sure KOC would only speak positively of Kirk, and I dont think there is any real animosity there. But there has definitely been frustration with KOC trying to implement his system and Kirk doing his own thing on the field. The mild success KOC was able to have with QBs like Josh Dobbs gave him enough rope to convince the FO to make these moves. Sure, if Cousins wanted to re-sign at $20M/yr of course they wouldve done it. No brainer. But in reality, given Kirk's market and KOC wanting to establish himself, they got JJ. I dont disagree on the 6+ wins. Just like it's tough to win games in the NFL, it's also tough to suck to the level of 4 or less wins.
  13. Kevin O'Connell going to learn the "careful what you wish for" lesson of moving on from a headstrong vet QB like Cousins to a rookie who will listen to/do everything he says in JJ McCarthy. I think Darnold starts at least 8 games, so they may end up with 3ish wins there. Then switch to JJ who might pull off 1 more win. So yeah, 3-4 wins tops. Will be interesting to see how long it takes for heads to roll in the FO/Coaching staff.
  14. Checked while I was in the app and it looks like you still need the HBO add-on in Hulu to get it. So for now, just HBO/Max.
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