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hondo in seattle

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  1. If Josh has a season ending injury, we're screwed. There are no backups who can approximate what Josh means to this offense. Even if we limped into the playoffs, we wouldn't go far. But if Josh is out for a few games with a minor injury, hopefully Trubisky can go .500 and keep us in the playoff picture.
  2. Maybe stevewin and I are wrong and Josh will line up at center sometimes and Dion at wideout. If that happens, I'm come here for my mea culpa. But I'm pretty sure Brady just meant we don't have a designated X, Y, or Z. In his mind, wideouts are wideouts.
  3. I'm wrong so often (I thought Sherfield would be a good addition), that I have to celebrate my good takes. I agree. Beane's admitted there's more to the story than cap management. Of course, there is. Even in the NFL, paying a guy $31 million is a big deal. Beane's paying Stef $31 million to play for another team. We don't have all the details but something stunk.
  4. It was. But I don't know why anyone needs to get aggressive with the OP because he missed it. And Von is right. He shouldn't have played last year.
  5. I'm bumping this to gloat a bit. I got beat up for this thread: told the thread was "garbage," seeing "drama that wasn't there," and so on. Apologies aren't necessary, but I am open to redemptive cash donations. 🙂
  6. In April of 2023, I started a topic: "The Allen-Diggs Relationship in Decline." I got battered for it: 9 posters agreed with this: "I think you're trying to create drama that isn't there." 7 agreed with "Much ado about nothing." 3 agreed with a poster who called it a "garbage thread." And so on... To his credit, Gunner added this: "I have been telling you all offseason the relationship is strained and it has been put to me as 'the honeymoon is over.'" Later in the thread GB, rather presciently, added this: "I told folks a year ago it was a Josh - Stef issue. It always has been. That relationship fractured. And when that happens the right answer is always your franchise QB."
  7. I think it's the lettering - not the numbering - and the concerns the Bills don't have a qualified X.
  8. It's one of those moonshot predictions. If you're wrong, no consequences. But if you're right, you'll brag for years that you predicted the Jets won the SB when no one else gave them a chance.
  9. Astro used to post on this board a lot. We counted on him to keep us informed of what was happening in training camp: who was doing well, who wasn't.
  10. I don't like the dink and dunk. Then again, Tom Brady got a lot of his yards that way. And defenses like to run 2-high shells to frustrate strong-armed QBs like Josh. In today's NFL, you have to be able to dink and dunk.
  11. Since I'm out of state, for me watching a game in person is an expensive gamble. I have to pay for airfare, hotel, rental car, and tickets. If after all that, the Bills lose, I'm not happy. I just wasted a lot of money. If the Bills win, of course, the math is different. But you never know ahead of time. On the other hand, I always count my Sunday Ticket subscription as money well-spent.
  12. This is a good post. It's also the reason why I'm willing to give Brady the benefit of the doubt. Diggs' lack of production in the second half of the season may have been purely a Diggs thing. It's weird, though. His talent is real and on display in the beginning of the year. What happens later on? I think we'll miss Diggs - but not as much as some of the doom-sayers think. As the season progresses, he's like Cindarella in reverse and morphs into a jag.
  13. Congrats! I wish I could say I'm in better shape than I was in my 20s or 30s! Thanks for the berberine recommendation. I take metformin because Nir Barzilai, David Sinclair, and other longevity researchers take it. But I don't want to be like tech enterpreneur/longevity biohacker Bryan Johnson who takes over 100 pills a day. So I settled on a short list: metformin, NMN, omega-3, and creatine (for sarcopenia). I've read about berberine and have been waiting for more science. I'll take another look. Let me give you a recommmendation in return: Read Outlive by Peter Attia if you haven't already. It's a little too science-y at times and I thought his chapter on mental health was weak, but Attia's got a tremendous understanding of longevity science. His podcast is good, too.
  14. In spirit I agree - though the only way for ESPN to get unfiltered opinions is to tell people they'll be anonymous. Still, I think this guy was probably talking out his butt. Unless he works for the Chiefs, if Allen became a free agent, he'd probably study Allen's tape and then try to sign him for $75m/year. Assuming the anonymous exec is actually somebody in a position of authority, which might be a faulty assumption.
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