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  1. Ryan Tannehill played the Clay game. Tua has beaten the Bills once. They have owned him in every other game. (Including that one really). That is hardly cause for shriveled genitalia if you are the Bills or a Bills fan.
  2. If only Keon Coleman could get open.
  3. It is only day 3 and I am already sick of Thad Brown. What a tool. As for Drew Boylhart, draft analyst of the Huddle Report, whatever that is, thanks for your completely unqualified medical opinion based on absolutely no knowledge or specific insight. MVS needs to take down the smack a notch and make some plays on the field.
  4. I did not take his comments as a specific criticism of Bishop. It is just very much a one step at a time with rookies for McD. That is how he likes to bring them along. He also said a bit later in response to another question that safety, MLB, and QB are the most difficult positions to absorb in terms of the volume and complexity of information that is required to be mastered. People need to be patient with Bishop. I think it is highly unlikely he starts Day 1.
  5. As usual, McD will make the rookie earn it against the veteran, but I fully expect Coleman to line up as the number 1 X in the opener. He needs to prove his reliability, his knowledge of the plays and formations and his role, and he needs to block. Lots to learn no doubt but he seems very smart and very committed. He is clearly talented.
  6. It does not matter what they wear, Rogers will still be a washed up old man and Saleh will still be a terrible head coach.
  7. Don’t interrupt a perfectly good self guided narrative.
  8. Terrible would be too strong a word to describe Jackson as a QB. Overrated, second tier, and limited would be better descriptors when accessing Jackson as an NFL QB.
  9. The NFL is an absolute joke when it comes to disciplining players or anyone else. That does not make them unique in pro sports by any means, but that does not excuse it. Tyreek Hill put a child in the hospital and now makes $30 m and is a superstar. Ray Lewis is in the hall of fame and he participated in a murder. Nothing the NFL does is surprising. It is owned and run by greedy disgusting human beings by and large.
  10. “Landing” Michael Thomas? Thomas would need to accept league minimum and beg for a chance to play with the Bills at this point.
  11. He will be playing golf in the American Century Championship later this week, otherwise he could have a more extended workout with the players.
  12. No, if you use racist insults you are racist, despite any good intentions or self denial that person might have.
  13. I appreciate the thought and analysis, and you make good points but to me it is clearly not the total answer. I think you can pick any game and you will see multiple instances of Bills receivers being grabbed on breaks or out right interfered with downfield that went without calls, while the Bills get flagged many times more often for these same offenses. I am not by any means a conspiracy theorist, but I can say that there is a disparity that is unexplained, and is certainly not explained by “our receivers just suck so they do not have to cover them”. A general lack of respect perhaps? I don’t know. I do know that big name players tend to get more calls than other players. Perhaps that is part of the bias, but the bias is indisputable by the numbers.
  14. The Jets as usual are over rated. The NFL should just go ahead and name the off season Jets Season. They have mediocre a coaching staff, a still questionable OL, and a creakily QB who when he last played a meaningful number of snaps two years ago, put up the worst season of his career. 7 to 9 wins at best. The Dolphins have very good offensive weapons, a very limited QB, and a coach who has led epic collapses the past two seasons, but still, they are better than the Jets. NE, meh.
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