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  1. Not everyone in the LGBTQ community is anti-Christianity, but the Pride Movement is inherently Humanist/Satanist at this point. I grew up supporting equality for these people and now I’m beyond disgusted that I ever participated in their pagan ritual marches.
  2. This stuff is so exhausting. I’m so numb to every type of person depicted in that blasphemy. The most self-righteous, emotionally fragile people in this planet.
  3. I’ve heard Mark Kelly has some friction with the Unions? Not sure if that’s true. Could signal a move from PA/MI/WI to AZ/GA/NC Shapiro helps in PA but hurts in MI and does nothing for AZ, GA or NC. It seems like it has to be one of those two. Both have electoral upside and downside.
  4. Trump shouldn’t acquiesce on a debate that was negotiated for a man no longer in the race. Anyone saying otherwise is gaslighting people for political gain. But that’s politics, and Trump needs to be careful right now. Harris is in her honeymoon phase and making strong use of it on the grassroots level. Does she have a ceiling? Is this momentum sustainable as she settles into the American conscience as the nominee? We’ll see.. But Trump could have sealed the deal by giving a strong nomination speech and tapping Glenn Youngkin as VP. He, operating from a position of strength, chose to do neither. So he better hope his internals are correct because he had to have seen this coming.. and still chose to give a rally speech instead of an Address to the Nation at his convention and tap a VP who may or may not help him electorally and provides nonstop fodder for the identity politics obsessed left with his remarks (fair or not) on childless women. ….which is 1/3 of the Dem grassroots coalition - along with black people and the LGBTQ community.
  5. This has been wild to witness.. even for our propagandized media. Blatantly lying about stories to prop up Harris. American Pravda.
  6. Black women, LGBTQIA+ and these people… Quite the coalition behind Kamala. ….and I don’t even say that in full condescension, because all these groups militantly vote Dem and are easily the biggest destructive political force in this country. 🧵
  7. In theory, this makes a ton of sense. In practice, it better work or all we’ll hear about is another case of using fancy terminology to cover up for lack of WR investment ala “we view them all as pass catchers”.
  8. He should resign, but he won’t. Democrats control the system, which includes most of the media, and aren’t being held accountable for the absolute travesty they’ve just thrown onto this country.
  9. If those two are even 70-80% of what they've been to start the year, this Front 7 could be something serious. The DL/LB depth already look like it has much more potential in guys like Smoot, Solomon, Carter, Johnson, Williams, Morrow etc.., we just need our featured guys to be healthy and effective.
  10. Keon has some things he needs to work on, and we'll see if he can get that done ... but outside the Big 3 in this Draft, he IS the potential superstar of the bunch. Already looks like a red zone monster.
  11. I very much think this will be a competitive election now.. but this is an outlier poll of all the post-Biden polls and it heavily oversampled Dems.
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