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  1. We lived in a beach resort community (Hilton Head Island, SC), and we went to Boston and Stowe, VT in February for our honeymoon. Vacation is for doing something different. We head for the NC mountains tomorrow. Bills games on the road give me an excuse to see new stuff, one more benefit of being a Bills fan.
  2. We did that helicopter trip on our first visit to Vegas many years ago. More recently we went a few days earlier than we needed to for work and stayed with old friends who live on a golf course with a view of the strip. They picked us up from the airport and had a surprise for us…..a helicopter trip into the canyon….again. They were so tickled (and generous, because it ain’t cheap) that we never had the heart to admit we had done it before. I do highly recommend it. I understand what @Johnny Hammersticks is talking about, the heat can be a killer! I literally caught myself holding my breath until I go to the next mister along the sidewalk in front of the hotel. It’s too hot to even sit by the pool by 11am, but the pretty girls bringing frozen grapes probably kept me there longer than I otherwise would have stayed. 😋 I think we should page @NewEra for this one.
  3. I realized that. I was mostly kidding, but that is one of my concerns with giving him that much money, especially guaranteed. He was out with a concussion, again. If he’s my QB I hate to get hamstrung with no options to get out if things go south for him, again.
  4. Where was Tua for that game? 😋 I don’t hate the guy, in fact I’m glad he got paid. He can be effective, but he’s also physically limited and fragile. .
  5. It’s not just the QB, they have TWO HUGE WR contracts as well (and Hill is wanting even more now that Waddle got a new deal). We do not even have one huge WR deal, though dead cap from Diggs is not nothing. That was my point. You can only have a handful of mega-contracts, and theirs are related to throwing or catching the ball. Tua may be broken again if they can’t afford a solid OLine.
  6. They won’t be able to pay for anything but WR and QB. Tua will need a very strong OLine in front of him to keep him alive. What kind of defense can they afford after that?
  7. Yeah, I’ve also seen people with bare feet, no socks in sight, on a plane. Aside from my shock, I have the think WTF is WRONG with you??? It’s not just disgusting for us, what are you putting your bare feet in? On a related note, I also don’t like to go tubing down a lazy river when the high fecal count is making the nightly news. Call me crazy! 🤷‍♂️ We have a good friend who badly needed back surgery. He’s a big guy, about 6’5” and 270lbs. His wife is tiny and could be of little help as he was losing mobility. They had to delay the surgery repeatedly because he got an infection between his toes they couldn’t clear up. They think he got it at the YMCA, but even after hospitalizing him the infection kept coming back, and the surgery and recovery kept getting delayed. He’s recovering now, but if this causes a single person to keep their shoes on, it was worth it!!!
  8. Are you drowning out the sound of the jet engines? Impressive! 😂
  9. ATL to London was about 8 hours, I think. About 30 minutes in the seat in front of me reclines all the way. I’m slightly taller than average at about 6’1” and there was nowhere for my legs to go, my knees were up against the back of the seat. Every little movement bounced this guy around. I apologized that I was jostling him, I had nowhere for my legs. He was a fellow Bills fan, and it turns out he only reclined after the guy in front of him had reclined. I’m glad we all worked it out, because I was going to kick him until we landed. If you had seen them drinking at the bar for a couple hours before the flight you could rest easy. You know those airport bars check everybody’s ID! 😋
  10. Do NOT take your shoes off. There is no excuse for that. Oh, and if you want to recline your seat into my knees, my knees will let you know how they feel about that.
  11. I played rugby in college. It’s a combination of running all day (soccer) and wrestling. An exhausting experience. But at least it’s not football where people lead with their heads. Some melons still get split, but it’s more collateral damage than a direct intent. We were in Paris last spring and there was a lot of talk about the coming Olympics. I wasn’t aware until we got there, but they made us aware. A guide was driving us to Versailles and explained we were going by stables where the equestrian events would be held. My wife had a horse as a kid, and she loved the small as we drove by. I think she may have put her window down. That girl could shovel some sh!t!!!
  12. If this “executive” is from the Bengals, he’s probably grumpy because he’s grossly underpaid compared to his peers by that cheapskate! 😂 I don’t even recall the specific wording, but maybe you are onto something about being Burrow-defensive.
  13. I like his point about defining “executive”. He says he was probably referred to as an executive before it was warranted. I don’t recall the details, but a female ticketing “executive” for some team was recently accused of doing something wrong. The vague term “executive” jumped out at me and made me wonder if she was someone with clout or just a sales rep trying to sell some club seats. It’s a handy way to possibly give something more weight than it deserves, if attention is your thing.
  14. Same college buddy was flying in from Cincinnati with his wife the Reds game Monday night. His flight was cancelled, he got deathly ill and went to the Doc, and the game was rained out. It was REALLY not meant to happen! We say the same thing about The Battery. I took the same guy there for a game once (he loves baseball) but we were throwing darts and by the time we went to pay the Braves were getting killed and everyone was coming out so we stayed put. I felt bad he never got inside so I promised we would go inside regardless of what happened. Hey! Some things are out of my control!
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