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  1. we actually don’t know what happened behind closed doors—Allen very well may have let his feelings be known quite plainly away from prying 👀 🤷‍♂️.
  2. Next man (err, coach) up! Unfortunately an OC’s success virtual guarantees a departure, understandably.
  3. Hopefully not behind a paywall if you use up your one free WP article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/07/23/nfl-18-game-schedule-nflpa/ Basically this discusses movement on what was referenced back in April, that the 18 game season is no longer a mere hypothetical, but the sides are actively exploring pathways to make this a reality, perhaps even before the current CBA expires in 2030, although that would require an amendment as current rules prohibit 18 games. Says meetings will be held with players to discuss what the NFLPA will be seeking in return from the League—surely a second bye week would be a must??
  4. This list only needs to have Allen at #1, and repeat 99 more times. Next question!
  5. Tasker was just such a complete football player. He also brought a passion and guts that helped make up for any size deficiency—and you’re right, even in the swan song of his career showed that the Bills could’ve utilized him in multiple game phases much earlier. A real joy to watch play.
  6. In turn I have to credit one of my firm’s partners with that phrase, who used it to describe the Georgia Bulldogs’ cupcake non conference schedule a few years back…🤣
  7. I only remember that particular stretch so vividly because I was watching the Steeler game at a friend's house who was giving me so much grief about how Greg Lloyd would chew up Reich and the rest of the Bills O, and, well...it was Neil O Donnell who ended up getting the turf in his face all day, ha ha!!
  8. There are snippets from the announcer's play calls I still vividly remember all these years later, including his tone/voice emphasis--such as at one point stating in shock during the 2nd half, after rattling off the stat line (which would've been a good day if prorated over the course of an entire game) what Frank Reich's stats were, "IN THIS HALF..." 🤩
  9. I think you're reversing it--they beat the Steelers on the road the week after the Houston Comeback game, then went on the road to Miami, which was also Jim Kelly's first game back from injury after 2 playoff games being out.
  10. Same for me for the Comeback! I was in the car with my mom and sister, who aren't sports fans whatsoever, and I kept insisting on keeping the game on, in a state of disbelief of what was happening. After we got back to our house, I had to wait in the driveway with the car running until a commercial break before running in to catch the rest of it. It was CBS' Westwood One's call of the game, not sure who the announcer crew was that day, but the play by play calling was awesome!!!
  11. Agreed--that was very very special--I believe one of the posters here even bragged he was on his way to easy money betting 5K against the Bills that game! 😁. Also happened to be the same day my youngest was born, so I'll always equate the awesomeness of that upset with that, needless to say!
  12. Gugs—it felt like he brought back some enthusiasm to the position that was already starting to languish post-Kelly era—some of us just remember his tenure differently, but I of course respect your opinion. And what’s your most memorable game?
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