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Big Turk

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    Eastern Suburb of Buffalo

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  1. C'mon man...who are you referring to? Cam Newton? Who injured his shoulder that derailed his career in a car accident not on the field? Keep hearing about this nonsense but who exactly are we talking about? Josh isn't a "running QB". It's just another aspect to his game. He can beat you whatever way he chooses to beat you.
  2. One less thing to worry about...one less thing to worry about...
  3. LMAO!!! Fins never winning the division now...by year 3 they will be a barely .500 team.
  4. Who cares? If Allen goes down our chances of winning a Super Bowl go to near Zero. I'd rather get a higher draft pick in all honesty than win meaningless games.
  5. Ah...that's correct...thank you. Cruyff was starring on those teams not coaching.
  6. Sounds like the "Total Football" concept made famous by the great teams in the Netherlands in the mid 70s and 80s under Johan Cruyff and then FC Barcelona... Players don't have a position and are pretty much free to go wherever they want and their teammates are expected to see, react and cover them. Basically it required great spatial awareness to be able to see openings and both exploit them on offense and cover them on defense. Will be interesting to see what Brady's concepts look like with this transferred to the NFL.
  7. How is he going to move off his spot when he is in the motion of throwing?
  8. Except in the one moment we really needed him and he gets shoved into Josh Allen causing his TD to a wide open Shakir to fall short
  9. Considering the Bills have the 2nd best wining percentage in all 4 major sports over the last 5 years, exactly how often can it be?
  10. You should look into Berberine. Far more beneficial overall in the body effecting a wide range of systems than Metformin and actually outperforms Metformin in clinical studies in the one thing it's actually supposed to do well. I'm 49 and as someone who is in good enough shape to compete in fitness shows for my age, I hear you on that...constantly fighting some sort of nagging injury or muscle strain or something that just doesn't feel right. Sucks, but all you can do is delay the inevitable. I have a pretty comprehensive supplement regimen and virtually all natural diet tho so that definitely helps. I also do 5:2 fasting where I do what amounts to a 30-36 hour fast twice a week. I'm in better shape than I was in my 20s or 30s but I sure don't feel better on a day to day basis 🤣
  11. Unlikely. Much more likely an incompetent software engineer pushed something out due to lax policies for testing changes before pushing out to production... Coming from a Senior DevOps engineer.
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