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  1. She's truly lucky to be alive considering how much happened. Multiple strokes and in a coma.
  2. it's been a while since i heard from anyone about this, maybe over a year at this point...surely over a year. but last i heard she was still not easily talking, if at all. the stroke was pretty brutal.
  3. She admitted to smoking weed and then extended sentencing guidelines for marijuana users, for starters. Going so far as to gloat that she even inhaled while smoking weed frequently while younger before becoming the AG of CA. Regardless, nothing in her political career was successful.
  4. honestly, she deserves all of it. she's a terrible person. seriously, a vile evil the likes of which politics has too many of thse days.
  5. By Sept 1st we will have madame President. Biden will resign. Dare any of you to tell me i am wrong.
  6. What do you want me to share? Dozens have met me here and while I am not a great person by any means, nor am I all that special... I think many would take my word for it when vouching for someone... So whatever you think, sorry.
  7. Well, considering I know Doc I can believe him and being that more than 100 members here know me I think we can take my word for it by vouching for him. If you'd like to establish your credit than feel free to prove to me if it means so much... I'll make sure people know you're legit. But until than you're either a Chiropractor or a shoe salesman.... Basically anything but a doctor. Doc, he is a pretty damn skilled doctor. Don't know how good he is but his field is quite impressive. He's a good guy, too. He saved like 15 puppies and a nun from a burning orphanage in a fire he put himself on his way home from working all day passing out food at a homeless shelter. Go on...
  8. Ohh, yeah, I forgot you're dishonest enough to still believe the fine people on both sides nonsense and neo Nazi's being Republicans *****. I was looking for sitting members of the federal govt that were anti semetic. But, Jessie Byrd says what's up, brah.
  9. K. Use your 4 braincells of being a pretend doctor to tell us the inverse of the Republicans against the Jews? Seriously, you're an unmitigated moron. The only difference between you and someone like Tiberius is that you are not just a mindless drone but a rambling buffoon.
  10. I hope every socialist/Democrat/liberal/Harris supporter here knows their predecessors here on this board called it conspiracy theory to say Joe Biden won't finish his term or seek reelection. Many of these predecessors you won't remember. Or in many cases, many of you don't have your rights the banned/trolled old logins or passwords remembered... Either way, God so many of us are laughing at you Democrats.
  11. Knee pads because she spent so much time entertaining Willie Brown and then montell Williams.
  12. He steps down from Prez soon after getting his final touches on his *****ups. He announced he has Parkinson's. Asks for respect that he and his family deal with his health issues. The Dems get to say Madam president for a few months. Kneepads Harris gets to play dress up a while.
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