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  1. An inconvenient fact for you righty fascists... Trumpturd doesn't use dolls for raping... he uses women instead.
  2. You clowns rioted and looted and threatened to hang the VP when January 6th, 2021 came around because your criminal candidate lost in a fair election. You clowns fly your flags upside down in complete disrespect for our national ensign, a symbol of our nation. I can't imagine what you clowns are going to do when Kamala Harris wins in November in another fair election, but we're used to dealing with you clowns and your utter hypocrisy. If you want to start another civil war, good luck in doing it without the world's most powerful military, because you will need a LOT MORE than Kyle Rittenhouse. You calling the opposition clowns is the true joke.
  3. I have the opposite problem... I never knew there was such a thing as a fatty liver. I rarely drink...
  4. It is a massive regret that I never got to see David Clayton Thomas live, as he is now retired from the business. I must have worn out my mother's BST record and then my cassettes listening to the full tracks, because the radio edits cut out some of the songs' length. I played trombone for 10 years in school, and I still remember to this day what it was like to be right in front of the stage when Chicago's James Pankow did his thing in the solo at the end of Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? in 1989... there just aren't that many left from this era still performing, but that's one group that still has IT! You made my day reading this, and I so thank you!!! RIP Bill Chase and the other gone too soon.
  5. Northeastern Ohio SUCKS.... don't ever move to this state. I get one GO BILLS a year...
  6. I'll take Swift over Bass at this point... not for kicking, just for viewing. I don't want to see any more missed crucial kicks in the postseason...
  7. It works both ways... women don't play in the NFL, so naturally you wouldn't see the opposite scenario. It's a marriage- support, communal property, joint debt. I think what you are looking for is a prenup and not a system run amok.
  8. If you experienced Scott Norwood's last season, then you know this is an eerily similar trajectory. Sorry, but in this instance I am very concerned.
  9. He was acting like a jerk, to be fair... nobody "chased him away" because if you're an AP reporter you just don't pack up your toys and go home because somebody said something you didn't like.
  10. It's very possible... families often have collateral lines from areas, which means because families associated with one another, they married into each others families. Mine comes from Linsley (also Lindley) and Barnes, and a couple of generations later Barnes and Clapp.
  11. I've been doing genealogy for over 30 years now and I have never thought about posting here until now, but here goes. If anyone is curious about where their family comes from, let me know in a PM. I have done much work with UK, Irish, Scandinavian, French, German, Italian and Canadian records and have uncovered some really interesting stories for some I have helped. My genealogy is approximately 40% French Canadian, 40% UK/Irish/German and 20% Scandinavian. DNA has already solved two major family mysteries which could not have been resolved through records.
  12. I discovered this a couple of months ago... what a great track! As Jim Croce did a year earlier, Bill Chase died in a plane crash in 1974. CHASE - GET IT ON (1971)
  13. I do it to be very sarcastic in a Jersey Shore voice like "whatevuh, bro" or "yeah, bro" for comedic effect sometimes, but not that often 😁
  14. ACR... A/C and refrigeration FOR SURE, because it allows our food to be stored safely and comfort.
  15. Corey Linsley and Will Clapp... Linsley and Clapp both have an extensive history in early New England.
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