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    A Western Pennsyltucky Hilltop

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  1. Please keep this thread limited to news and updates on today's training camp
  2. We're not going to do that all in one big thread. There will be a new one created each day to make it easier for folks to access information.
  3. I don't use a phone so don't know about that problem but @HappyDays has volunteered to create a new thread every day of camp, and which will be pinned so you'll be able to check that one for the most current updates.
  4. I'll pin it each day if you do. I should be around more than usual this time of year as I'm currently getting my ass kicked by Lyme and Anaplasmosis
  5. It also has nothing to do with training camp and doesn't belong here.
  6. Let's keep this thread focused on Training Camp updates and actual news instead of using it to repeatedly rehash arguments that are already ongoing in multiple other threads.
  7. I've gotten into the habit at camp of making various tall rum drinks during the day, biting the top off a couple of these and then sticking them in my mug upside down and letting them gradually melt into it. 🤙
  8. Only 10k. I'm hitting that cheap bastard up again next weekend.
  9. I think it's funnier than hell that I can't tell if you're kidding
  10. A B C We have a few camps on the shore of a secluded stretch of the Allegheny where we shoot every year. I don't think I'd have the stones to cut loose in a neighborhood with no margin for error.
  11. It's good to let off a shot of steam every few years.
  12. So you need me to pull your own quotes because you're so stupid you don't know what you did or said 5 minutes ago? You're dumber than a goldfish. Thanks for proving my point. You have no idea what my worldview is. You're such a spoonfed weak-minded parrot that you instantly assume that anybody who recognizes your pathetic hypocrisy must care about your mindless lapdog politics. When my country finally implodes, it will be spoiled-rotten little cheerleaders like you that caused it.
  13. Yeah, and just last week you were literally rooting for leftists to jump off buildings. You are a pathetic, brainwashed, hypocritical, window-licking doucherocket.
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