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    A Western Pennsyltucky Hilltop

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  1. So do 30 other teams. Ja'marr Chase is arguably the best receiving weapon on Planet Earth. The Bills are not going to find anyone like that either via trade or picking 30th. 🤷‍♂️
  2. The year before the Bills released him, Morse was voted as the 5th best Center in the NFL by his peers and opponents. I'll credit that long before I pay heed to any mathematical rankings from couch taters.
  3. He also leg-whipped Allen right at the kneecaps after Spencer Brown had buried him. Nobody saw that one at the time either or Brown might have murdered him on the spot.
  4. He's an absolute dirtbag on the field. And not the tough, entertaining kind. The gutless kind who cuts people's knees when they're not looking. I wouldn't want him anywhere near the Bills roster; he's an embarrassment of a teammate.
  5. Excellent player, outstanding leader and a genuinely good man. Very glad we got to have him to ourselves for a few years. Enjoy your well-earned retirement, Mitch. And yes, I apologized to Spencer Brown.
  6. I can just picture the dog the following week: "Hey guys, when are we going back to Grandma's?!"
  7. I haven't had a lot of luck with CBD personally, although I do think it probably works if done right. But this CBN has been stunningly effective for me. Enough so that if I inadvertently take a couple extra drops, walking down the hall to the bathroom at 3am is hilariously similar to walking through a carnival funhouse.
  8. I know it sounds like hippie bullshlt and a waste of time, but you have got to try the stuff. No bad side effects like pharmaceuticals, no next day grogginess like melatonin and it makes me sleep better than I have since I was a kid. I virtually guarantee you'll think it was worth it if you take the time to track some down. I think you're a Canuck so maybe some relatively local cannabis shop might carry it? I get it in an oil and use 4-8 drops so it's easy to control dosage.
  9. 4 spinal surgeries here and chronic pain for decades. What helped me the most has been cutting weight; it takes a lot of pressure off and lessens the pain. What might help your wife (and as a result, you) is trying a CBD/CBN combo as a sleep aid. It's not some pie in the sky BS, it actually works. It won't knock you out but once you're asleep it has a sedative effect that will legitimately keep you asleep. The CBN is the important part, but I feel like the CBD combined with it helps activate it and make it more effective.
  10. Translation for our English speaking friends: "If I go to the store and the checkout has a sign..."
  11. Don't you dare give in at the tender age of 39!
  12. Goddammit, I'm sick of excuses!
  13. Thanks for the mention of banana pepper dip in the OP. I'd never considered it before and am now digging around and assembling a recipe. It sounds really good with some ground Italian sausage and a bit of marinara mixed in.
  14. And what would you have me do? Seek for the patronage of some great man, And like a creeping vine on a tall tree Crawl upward, where I cannot stand alone? No thank you! Dedicate, as others do, poems to pawnbrokers? Be a buffoon in the vile hope of teasing out a smile On some cold face? No thank you! Eat a toad for breakfast every morning? Make my knees callous, and cultivate a supple spine,- Wear out my belly grovelling in the dust? No thank you! Scratch the back of any swine that roots up gold for me? Tickle the horns of Mammon with my left hand, while my right, too proud to know his partner's business, Takes in the fee? No thank you! Use the fire God gave me to burn incense all day long Under the nose of wood and stone? No thank you! Calculate, scheme, be afraid, Love more to make a visit than a poem, Seek introductions, favors, influences?- No thank you! No, I thank you! And again I thank you! But to sing, to laugh, to dream, To walk in my own way and be alone, Free, with an eye to see things as they are, A voice that means manhood- to c0ck my hat Where I choose- At a word, a Yes, a No, To fight- or write. To travel any road Under the sun, under the stars, nor doubt If fame or fortune lie beyond the bourne- ever to make a line I have not heard In my own heart; yet, with all modesty To say: "My soul, be satisfied with flowers, With fruit, with weeds even; but gather them In the one garden you may call your own." I am too proud to be a parasite, And if my nature wants the germ that grows Towering to heaven like the mountain pine, Or like the oak, sheltering multitudes- I stand, not high it may be- But alone! Watching you other people making friends Everywhere- as a dog makes friends! I mark The manner of these canine courtesies And think: "My friends are of a cleaner breed; Here comes- Thank God! - another enemy!" ....... (picks up mic and hides it before Chatty Cathy can get it back)
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