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  1. So the new talking point is sign them early to a long-term deal and let hyperinflation take care of the rest.
  2. Perhaps Kyle Shanahan has cracked the code. Load up every other position, draft Mr. Irrelevant every 4 years or sign an accurate journeyman and make it to 2 super bowls every 5 years. At this point his system guarantees a 40% chance of making the big game, and eventually he will win one. The odds are in his favor.
  3. Josh seems to play better when he is disrespected
  4. I prefer the opposite of of Mt. Rushmore, the Marianas Trench: #1: K: Tyler Bass (12/17 FGs in playoffs, lower % than Scott Norwood (13/18). #2: QB: Nathan Peterman (worst QB in NFL history - 133 pass attempts in Buffalo, 13 interceptions 9.77% interception rate). #3: DE: Aaron Maybin (27 games 0 sacks - 1st round pick) #4: RB: Reggie Bush (terrible 12 carries -3 yards)
  5. KC 49% rest of AFC 51%. Mahomes, Jones, Kelce, Reid, Spags are the best at their position / coaching level.
  6. I don’t know a core STer who doesn’t deserve a shot. On a side note - Tyler Bass has no business as our kicker on ST if he continues is downward spiral through camp.
  7. I hear Bass had a bad practice today.
  8. Luka reminds me of Allen, slow, yet steady, quicker mind than body, great pump fakes.
  9. I started calling out Bass in October. Dude had a horrible season and went 2/5 in the playoffs. Meanwhile Bass is 12/17 in his playoff career, while Mahomes kicker is 32/36. Bass has been horrible 2/6 from 40-49 yards out, yet is 3/3 +50. Quite simply Bass’ power comes from his approach, the trouble is he is too reliant on the hips and perfect hips torque. He seems to lack a powerful leg, which isn’t surprising considering he is shorter and lighter than historically great NFL kickers.
  10. I’ll do you one better. Bills trade Elam for Rashee Rice. Do you take the Chiefs offer? 🤣
  11. Burrow and Chase getting paid soon. Cincy is cheap so maybe one has to go.
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