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  1. If Josh goes down for the year the season is over anyways so may as well tank with a crappy QB and get a good pick.
  2. Im always of the mindset to let the vets start and give the rookie time to adjust to the NFL.
  3. And he hasn’t quit yet halfway through practice I guess
  4. I’m shocked i tells ya. Absolutely shocked
  5. Chase is doing all the right things. Good to see
  6. Agreed he should have cut bait immediately and told Mara he needed to start over. Now he’s hitched his wagon to him and inevitably will have to have the conversation about how he wasted the owners money and needs to draft a new guy. Huge blunder
  7. Unfortunate. Was hoping they would offer him more money than Trevor Lawrence
  8. Most of these crap franchises like the Chiefs only release the criminals that are bad players . Tyreek and others get away with it
  9. The one person who voted for NE did they recently hit their head?
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