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  1. I'm surprised at the Brady mentions. Now that he's retired, I respect what he did. Incredible overachiever - just a ton of hard work, and one of the most clutch athletes in history. My list is Gronk, Edelman - and I'd probably list those 2 guys again if I had to come up w/ 4.
  2. Just a side note because you mentioned Belichick in the OP - I think that guy loves Allen, kind of how he felt about players like LT & Ed Reed. I think he sees a pure football player & competitor. I remember him making a bee-line for Josh after some of those games.
  3. Probably Lawrence Taylor. Such an impact player. When I was growing up, Earl Campbell was also a fave.
  4. Yeah - I'd really prefer stifling heat, hurricanes and shallow people. Hey, Jonnu - you'll never win the division while you're there. You'll be looking up at Buffalo literally the entire time. Allen is better than Tua, and the Bills are better than the Phins. Nyah, nyah.
  5. I'm totally pulling for him. That was such bad luck what happened.
  6. Like I said - wide open Shakir might have been the last time an easy TD was open like that. I think the whole debate is just indicative of how insanely nitpicky we've gotten in the internet age. I saw one fan say Allen had "rocks for brains" for making that decision. As though a QB shouldn't go for an open guy in the endzone, and should work there way down to a TD slowly like you can in a video game.
  7. Dude, elite QB's do NOT think that way. Oh, dear - my defense can't hold up; I shouldn't take the open guy in the endzone, and just dink & dunk down to the 1, where we can easily roll in for a last second TD. Shakir being open might have been the last clean shot JA had in that circumstance. Once you get down inside the 15 and inside the 10 - defenses tighten up. There might not have been any more open looks, or even looks that weren't heavily contested. You take the open guy when you've got him. Period. You can't script a few yards here, a few yards there, eat up the clock & then magically score.
  8. That's really not what I see, or have seen. And when you rank rosters - are you factoring in that in this past year's playoff game, the Bills were missing 3 LB's, 2 CB's (with 2 that were starting playing hurt), and a starting safety? Is it any wonder at all why there was a huge disparity in 1st down yardage between the 2 teams? And it still came down to a missed FG. I'd argue that there is no way KC wins that game w/ similar injuries on defense, and the Bills being relatively healthy. KC fans will always try to use team accomplishments to prop up Mahomes over Allen, and most of the football world does, too. Rejoice in that. Most people think Mahomes is clearly the best.
  9. Is the argument here that circumstances are inconsequential? Great QB's win Super Bowls no matter where they are & who they play for and with?
  10. I haven't heard anyone say that Allen doesn't carry his team more. You're probably the 1st Chiefs fan I've seen who doesn't acknowledge that. Just look at this past year's playoff game. I can name 3-4 other Chiefs who had game impacting plays. I can't think of another Bill who did besides Allen - maybe Shakir's catch? And that's how it always goes. Allen's D lets him down - this is well known. Mahomes' D makes big plays and stops when they need 'em.
  11. That's kind of where I'm at. But I reject the glee about this. We're all better than our worst moments - and all of us deserve at least a little better than to be judged by our worst moments.
  12. You picked one game a few years ago for proof that Mahomes carries his team as much as Allen?
  13. Happy 4th! I always marvel at the founders of this country. Many were well off - had property & money, and families. And they risked everything to oppose an empire. And many of them paid a dear price. It's not enough to raise a glass to them, but it's the best I've got. I salute all of them.
  14. We played like the best team in the league last year at times, but in the end, we had simply lost too many players to injury. A lot of fans - here & around the league - think we lost too many key players in the offseason, and will take a step back. I just see us getting younger & faster. The player I think I'm most excited about is Ray Davis. His skillset seems to complement Cook's perfectly. This could be the best running game we've had in the JA era, and will open up the passing game more than we've seen.
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