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  1. Agree with all of that. It is why I said they were a caught swing pass away from missing and the hype train is way different.
  2. lol in our apartment after thanksgiving 2012 putting up the xmas tree. Pats throttling Jets already and my wife goes oh dang and yep the buttfumble happened. Great game choice NBC lol
  3. I love Stroud and what they are doing... but someone made a great point that HOU was a dropped flat pass away from missing the playoffs and division. For as much promise as they showed they went 7-3 in one score games which means the pendulum swings back this year in those games which means they need to win more games straight up. On their side turnovers they were middle of the league and they did not feast on TDs on defense so that is a positive. I expect them to make the playoffs, but yearly there is team which comes on hot and makes the playoffs and then the next year fails to meet expectations. I personally expect the Browns to be the team that falls back to earth at like 7-10 as they don't have good QB play while feasting off one score wins and crazy turnover luck, but not impossible HOU goes 8-9 as things go a little off path.
  4. my dark horse pick is IND goes 11-6 with Richardson and HOU misses at 9-8
  5. 4 to 7. If the offense gets revving which is possible with their talent I think they will have a few surprise victories over better opponents. Still rookie QB who needs to find his way with a defense rebuilding the safe range is between 4 to 7 for me. Titans and Pats both could be 2 win teams. The talent on offense is that bad on both clubs and while I get the media loves the NE defense, people forget how much BB did to help that scheme. I could easily see a SF Tomasula type outcome where they are 2-15.
  6. YEP. It is very interesting how the Bills despite the SBs and playoff runs with Kelly & crew were in a very shaky stadium situation by 97-98 and it was a real possibility they could leave. Fans almost gloss over the realness of that and how big getting the club seats done were to the viability for another decade or two. Once Flutie stepped in and the madness started people went nuts, it was really fun. I remember in middle school how divided the region was for Johnson v Flutie. Johnson even said he knew he was toast the moment Flutie ran that in against Jax. The fans/region just pulled for the guy with the way he played. A lot of the pieces I have read with RoboJ the last bunch of years hes a pretty decent dude and very real to everything. No ill will towards Buffalo as much as just maybe how it played it, but he talked about his shoulder getting messed up and never recovering either.
  7. I am just going to post based on games I went to live because TV I have too many fun memories, here is my top 5 1. Snowbowl in 2017. We were front row the entire game, wildest experience of my life at a Bills game 2. Packers 2014. I have said many times it felt like the start of the change for the Bills fortunes from drought back to relevance. To this date loudest gate I have been to, my ears hurt the next day it got so intense by the end. 3. Steelers 2022. I hate Pittsburgh (respect but hate) and to throttle them at home the way they did was just so much fun. The game wasn't in doubt from the moment Allen threw a 98 yard TD on. Having a franchise torch them made the drought feel worth it. 4. 2011 Raiders. I was at that comeback and it is forgotten about with how wild and fun it was. 5. 2022 Dolphins playoff game. First playoff game I got to see for the Bills ever and it meant a lot after all the bad years and never thinking it would happen.
  8. Ok so I did vote from TV, BUT in a perfect world where tailgating and leaving the stadium are easy and I'm home at 4:30pm or right after game ends I would pick live. There is something truly special about the game live in Buffalo and the environment. I also have found live I get less upset then on TV as without the announcers it is far more just an experience vs being narrated. In a non perfect world I do 3-4 regular season games and preseason. The rest is a lot of family football parties with maybe 3-4 games quiet. The parties a ton of fun and a great experience in a different way.
  9. I have wondered myself if they start slow the first half before getting it together. The AFC North is really interesting as each team has some legit questions: Ravens- roster turned over a lot especially on their D, does it take them a bit to get it together? Is their a let down after failing last year to make the SB and being the 1 seed? Bengals- Burrow last year took a bit to comeback from injury and this injury is far more critical to his throwing. Is he the same player and how long does it take him to get going if he does return to form? Browns- They benefited from turnovers, went 6-2 in one score games, and had surprisingly decent QB play that supported the loss of Chubb. With Watson back can he ever find any form of the QB he use to be and when fortune swings back this year with turnovers/one score games who do they respond? Steelers- Can either QB find enough of a form to lead the offense to middling form? Talent exists for the offense to do some things even with Arthur Smith as OC and the defense is solid, but QB play will sink this team quickly given the division.
  10. Naw just one of those things he got hooked as a kid and has never stopped. My one dream in life is in one Fall to hit all of the major college football stadiums for the experience, Death Valley, Ole Miss, Big House, The Horseshoe, Golden Dome, Iowa. Literally every weekend Sept-Nov try and just catch a game at each.
  11. Haha don't worry I still watch and my buddy is a huge UM fan so I pull for them. I am a U Miami guy so its been a bit lol. I am curious with Saban gone how this all shakes out.
  12. To me once you win the crown you gain another level of confidence and 13 seconds with the way that game was going AND then the proceeding dumb*ss kickoff, no I def would've had confidence in tying if I was KC. Last year they seemed to relish the challenge truthfully and the "underdog" status. BUF-KC has turned into a classic breakthrough battle ala BOS-NYY Manning-Brady OAK-PIT NFL 70s where one team has had the hammer forever but the other is getting close. Now it also could turn into Knicks-Bulls but I am not putting myself mentally into that head place lol
  13. I just realized Jaawan Taylor is only 26, I swear he has been in the NFL for like a decade already lol. Your best case and worst case is the same as what I have. Realistically if the worst case for the Chiefs is some parts show some age and they still win a division crown and host a playoff game that is pretty impressive. The one think more then anything working against the Chiefs is their run of AFC title games in a row and statistically they should have an off year. BUT the only two teams that have scared or beaten KC in the post season are CIN whose DEF seems to match Mahomes while Burrow can hold serve and BUF which is basically because Josh somehow goes off yearly against KC before Mahomes beats the Bills defense lol. Who do you think emerges from the WR corp besides Rice at this point? Worhty is new, does Watson have a shot? Exactly. Almost yearly there is a team that comes out of nowhere or exceeds prior expectations to have a year like that. Even that Bears team in 2018 that went 11-5 and ran hot a lot of people thought in 2019 would be better... except they ignored the historically high turnover margin the team had and # of TDs the defense contributed that was due for correction in the following year. Football is weird weird weird, it is why top QBs are what you want and follow and they have the most consistent trajectory.
  14. It is why it is best case scenario. Realistically it isn't happening and right now I have Miami at 9-8/8-9 range. Teams do have season everything is perfect from health, turnover luck, a few things fall their way and you get a dream season. I read a good piece by Bill Barnwell which explained good teams over the long term are regularly 11-6/12-5 range, hitting 13/14/15 wins truthfully is a lot of luck circumstance and everything falling your way just given the way football is with all of those factors. The Bills 2017 team was decidedly the worst of the 2015-2017 group yet some turnover luck, fortune, better coaching gave them the playoff berth out of that group which combine was a perfect 24-24 over three seasons. Since Tua arrived in 2020 Miami has a record of 39-28 floating a little above .500 but any time they have met resistance they have wilted. I think it is more likely they go 7-10 then 13-4 at this point and last year was the max of this group, but again circumstance and luck has a way sometimes.
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