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  1. Love easily, look what Love is working with on offense compared to Tua, and he showed more in the 2nd half of the season than I’ve ever seen from Tua. That being said, still crazy more for what essentially was an excellent half season of play.
  2. I’m not sure about showing up his QB on the sidelines like he did to Allen, but he definitely made his feelings known publicly via social media. They were definitely happy to see him go, I have a good friend who’s a lifelong Viking fan. The day of the trade I was ecstatic and he was laughing at me and told me it wouldn’t end well.
  3. I think they will have fun with that, it might actually be the driving force behind the move, let’s lower the intensity and get back to having fun. Doesn’t mean they’ll be better, but he didn’t wanna be a part of the plan and they(Josh) were tired of the antics.
  4. I never believed he’s diminished in any significant way, it was always his on the field antics that I want no part of. Served his purpose and it was clearly time, he wanted to be Gone as much or more than they wanted him gone.
  5. I understand wanting to see it for another year, but it’s a gamble. I hope they lock him up sooner rather than later for a deal that will look like a steal if he continues on his upward trajectory. I understand there’s risk with either option, I’m leaning towards him being great when looking at his career up to this point.
  6. This is the year he proves he is more than Joan Rivers 2.0. Time to get over the hump.
  7. My biggest takeaway from that game will always be Bellichick going into the Bills locker room after the game to seek out Allen at his stall to congratulate him. I’d love to see someone ask Bellichick to comment on this anonymous quote about Allen.
  8. Wow, Trump is an absolute unit… less than an inch way from immediate death and he’s fist pumping to the American people. This man is truly a remarkable leader and his supporters should be thankful and proud to have him fighting for them, and to those who aren’t his supporters and want to minimize or politicize this assassination attempt, you really need to step away from wherever you’re getting your news and take a break for a couple days.
  9. Yes I think it’s becoming clear to the masses that Allen’s career numbers on his current pace will be in a stratosphere that no dual threat QB has ever been. He’s an absolute unit.
  10. Hill is the old man at the strip club who knows all the strippers by name and they know his… it’s not the money, these women love Tyreek for who he is.. they just all happen to be religiously opposed to birth control, Gotta stop dating those Catholics Tyreek
  11. I think the word has gotten out.. the Mafia has the ability to make you relevant, but this dude overplayed his hand and exposed his motivation with the obviously ridiculous chicken wing take. lame.
  12. Yeah definitely cool seeing early Bills Kelly laying the foundation, using most of the play clock is odd to see lol
  13. There’s fans who’ve been around longer than myself, watched more games than myself, but I’ve paid close attention to this franchise for a long time and I know of plenty of games that have earned nicknames and are well recognized by NFL fans in general. This is the first time I’ve heard of the famous “pumpkin game” I may have not seen this game as it was right at the time I started paying attention, but I’ve never heard of the nickname either.
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