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  1. … Tom Brady won yet another Super Bowl. Yep. As was my other example I posted. PS: Perfect answer by Beane regarding the “underrated” comment from the executive:
  2. You can not list a single example where a great purposefully passed up a Touchdown with a minute and change to go in a playoff game, for an underneath crosser pass. Not a single one. If the defense allows the Chiefs to drive 80 yards in less than 90 seconds for a game-winning touchdown, then you CORRECTLY blame the defense. It would 100% be a defensive failure. In what universe would the defense not be to blame in that scenario? None. Buchanan appears to have a short memory. He must have already forgotten Brady scoring a TD on 2nd down with 2 minutes to go in the Super Bowl against the Seahawks. or against the Chiefs in the playoffs, when Brady and the Patriots scored on first down and goal, and under a minute left, instead of bleeding the clock. hOw dArE hE nOt BlEeD tHe ClOcK
  3. Horse penis. That was the right read by Josh and i’ll defend this hill forever. Allen had Shakir, wide open, in the endzone, for the go-head score. You take that EVERY TIME. If Allen isn’t hit by Chris Jones, it’s a Touchdown. Those who wanted him to hit Diggs underneath and then bleed the clock and then score are living in a fantasy land where bad snaps, fumbles, tipped passes, etc don’t happen. For example: What if Allen hits Diggs instead of Shakir and then on the next play we fumble the ball to KC. Was foregoing the TD still the right call? How about if Allen hits Diggs and then two plays later the ball is tipped at the line and KC intercepts it. Was it still smart to ignore the open guy in the endzone? Allen made the right read. He went for the jugular with a minute and change remaining, and with a guy wide open in the endzone and I hope he continue to make that same read every freaking time.
  4. This is one of many reasons why I consider Allen and Mahomes as equals. Mahomes plays in an offense that is light years ahead of Allen's in terms of coaching and design. When your average TD is throwing the ball about 10 feet ... then you're in a QB friendly offense.
  5. I think the folks you are writing to are upset by articles such as this: https://itep.org/amazon-avoids-more-than-5-billion-in-corporate-income-taxes-reports-6-percent-tax-rate-on-35-billion-of-us-income/
  6. I'll have to look it up again when I have more time, but I recall reading that Mahomes had more than a dozen TD's while throwing the ball less than 3 yards last season. That sounds like shovel-type passes to me. Allen had something like 3 or 4 of the same type. Edit: And Mahomes average TD pass was 3.9 yards per pass in the air last season.
  7. Not OP's fault, but just seeing the thread title every-day pisses me off.
  8. I made a thread on this topic yesterday but it seems to be gone. Anyway, absolutely ridiculous take by whatever NFL executive uttered such stupid words. If anything, Allen is underrated. He often does not get the credit he deserves.
  9. And $22M in dead cup. And if he gets injured this year - say tears an ACL - they’re on the hook for 2025 too.
  10. This tells me that you have not been in the company of professional coaches and executives. It is a common misconception and one that extends to the c-suite. People often assume: “X person made it to Y level, they must be brilliant”. That is often NOT the case. Much of it is luck, mixed with opportunity, mixed with timing, mixed with attitude, mixed with who you know, mixed with several other factors as well.
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