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  1. And THIS is the only relevant point. You never know when one could snap…but when they do, the results are disastrous. That’s a problem.
  2. ...you get a game like last night. We are fortunate that nothing like this has happened in a long time, and also lucky it happened now. I'm not about to sift through the threads of gloom and doom this week. The Bills will be fine, they're a very good team, and they simply ran into a motivated buzz saw last night. See you after Houston. Have a great week everybody. Go Bills!
  3. I thought about this “first read” statistic some more. Unless they know the play call, who is determining what the QB’s first read was? Seems a bit sketchy to me.
  4. Very interesting, in the context of all of the discussion about the quality of the Bills’ WRs in other threads. According to Cosell they are getting open quickly, yet “allegedly” Josh is only going to the first read just over half of the time. Does that make any sense? By the way, how do people who create such charts know who the first read is? Are they literally watching every play and watching the QB’s eyes? And doesn’t the QB sometimes intentionally look somewhere other than his intended target to throw off the defense?
  5. Probably. The Bills interior line starters and depth are as good as they have been in some time.
  6. It’s really nice to read a thoughtful post that isn’t full of “I’m smarter than you” and “I know football better than you.” Thank you. I don’t think very many people have suggested that the Bills’ WRs are more talented than other teams’ WRs — I certainly haven’t. What I think a lot of us are seeing, though, is that they don’t necessarily have to be if the scheme is good and you have an elite distributor of the football. It’s a “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” argument. We will all see what happens when the Bills are in a close game and need a 4th quarter drive. In any event, it’s hard to argue that the early results are promising.
  7. You’re just like your fearless (and absent) leader…conflate and change the discussion when you can’t logically debate the issue at large.
  8. No, I’m not comparing the Bills and Giants, which is obvious. I’m comparing a team that drafted a “true #1 WR” who has awesome stats yet the team can’t score. You do realize that trendsetters often start as anomalies, right? Who are you to say that the strategy and productivity of what the Bills are doing right now won’t become the wave of the modern NFL? Unfortunately you’re yet another poster who is more concerned with “being right’ than in looking at what’s going on with an open mind.
  9. I’ve got a perfect place for people to sit who want to be covered during the game. Your own ********* living room.
  10. Yes! And Josh knows it; that’s why Cook is so much a part of the game plan now. He’s our pseudo-Thurman that made the K-Gun work.
  11. Allow me to give you some context. Etienne’s average was boosted by a 20+ run in either the 3rd or 4th quarter, when the game was over. It’s even questionable why he was in the game at that point. In the first half (when it mattered) he was averaging less than 3 YPC, if my memory is correct. Edit: just looked it up. Etienne was 11 for 68. His first four carries went for 2, 2, 2, and 3 yards. After that it was 34-3. Do just a little bit of research first, pal.
  12. What I’ve noticed — without re-watching games and having been at two of them live — is that the DL is balling out and wreaking havoc, both in the run game and getting pressure. Ed is a big part of that given his snap count (67%).
  13. Nah, man, some fans have been waiting to get the pitchforks back out with respect to Ed. Let them have their fun.
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