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  1. There were lots of bunch formations used today. Sometimes Shakir would have been the "Z" there but mind you the formations were in very tight.
  2. Practice was fun today. Nice cooler temps out there! My players of the day at WR were - Hollins, Samuel, Coleman (was having a great day all over the field early but turned into just a good day when he fumbled after a reception later on). MVS made some nice shorter possession route grabs Ray Davis has great burst and a real nice first cut Tough to judge either line out there in no pads. Josh was on point with accuracy in a pretty decent breeze out there.
  3. This is kinda how I've always looked at it as well. In listening to a lot of the "plugged-in and current" talking head exec types talk about players around the league, I would bet that if the NFL had a full re-draft, that Josh would be the 2nd player chosen at worst. And I think they would be smart in doing so.
  4. Sweetness #34 He was the first player in the league I really followed closely. What a warrior and artist on the field! Then this TD happened at one of my 1st attended Bills games (@15:56) >>> I was quite sad as an 8 year old boy, but I knew when I still loved the guy in spite of the loss he delivered to us, he'd be one of my all time favorites
  5. It's safe to say that in order to be successful in '24, the Bills offense will need above average passing game production both from the TE position and out of the backfield to offset the lack of having a #1 WR type match-up problem for their opponents.
  6. 1st part - again, yawn on the explaining of basic college football trends and percentages. 2nd part - definitely not offended. I am a blessed man. Call me a liar or a bad father then we can talk about being offended. 3rd part - If I didn't keep them (real stats, wrong year) there on my edited reply, I'm sure you would have criticized me for deleting my post instead of owning up to it like almost nobody here does when they are wrong. Also, you're not worried about "readers" cmon! See I can make assumptions too. 4th part - I agree with that! I'll delete the post all together soon enough.
  7. I kept my original wrong #'s in the post to show my ownership in being wrong without erasing the original, and so you could see I was drawing #'s from the wrong season ('22). Wow, was that really hard to pick up on? I was compelled to look up rush percentages in the ACC due to the discussion being had overall... but not really because of any one poster. I think Oldman was another one saying they were run-heavy in '23 for example. I certainly didn't need your additional gee wiz explanations such as what a run-heavy team looks like (my goodness) but I can see how my wrong season #'s made it irresistible so, my bad. Also not sure why the rest of your reply about Eastport bills and intentional lying is on a reply to me, but 🤷‍♂️. That's between you guys ... and hey that's just you being you on TBD, I know and expect that. You often make accurate points on here and you understand ball at a pretty good level, so I try to ignore the other stuff and take it as entertainment.
  8. Davis has been injured so….
  9. also, he still DOES work with Palmer from time to time... He's mentioned this as has Palmer, multiple times.
  10. PFF may never understand how to evaluate DT's like Eddie O. It usually makes for an otherwise entertaining read to see their work, but it always ends up disappointing with their ratings of guys in the trenches (for all teams).
  11. One of the greatest games I've ever been to. There with Pops and we'll both never forget it. And yes, we all knew then how special that team was, and then solidified it after that Raiders win soon after!
  12. All accurate things we can determine ^^^^ On the more difficult to outright prove side.... If you look real close and piece things together over a number of resources and years, you can glean some information on how well a coach is respected among his peer staffs (and even player comments) throughout the league. There are comments made here and there that get captured one way or another over time. You can also see the organizations that produce fruit for other organizations, in terms of staffing replacements and promotions. The Bills (McDermott and Beane) fair quite well in both of these discussions every time that I've been able to notice. Do casual fans out there realize (I bet many heads will explode on here just from me typing this) that within actual head coaching circles, Marty Schotenheimer (the guy so many love to compare McD to) is actually considered one of the best coaches to ever do it all-time? Well, that's the case. Shock and awe, Shock and awe, I know!
  13. All fair counters if this were a true debate (and it can be I suppose if you want it to). I think there are many out there that would agree with my angles on why to use more under-center in our offense with Josh though, including former players Eric Wood, Dan Orlovsky and J.T. O'Sullivan. They've been outspoken about it over the past couple seasons. I don't agree on Josh being removed as a run threat either. It's just going to rely more on the roll-out game where he gets his run-pass options. I do recall the thread where you did the analysis you mentioned... Whatever the case may be, thanks for starting an interesting thread.
  14. Looking at Josh's effectiveness and historical success on play action from under center when we have a legitimate threat to run the ball is where it started for me. Forgive me for not having numbers to show but I know his under-center #'s are pretty outstanding, and can be found online with the right subscription. He's got a good ball fake game (better deception than non under-center play action) and certainly has a natural aptitude in the roll out game resulting from those formations as well. When they actually do run out of those formations, the run game itself is typically more successful as well. Rb's can get more downhill. I think the better, more deceptive play action achieved from under-center also opens up more of the quick-hitter throws (like to the TE) in our offense. Lastly, I think the pre-snap field scanning information gathering benefits Josh by not having to focus visually on receiving the snap, and he can keep his head up and on a swivel, readying with his hands to receive the snap and processing information about the defense. Not to go either way on your many points, but Brown was literally among the most athletic measured tackles to ever get drafted by any team, if you have any faith whatsoever in RAS score. Dawkins is also a sneaky good athlete.
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