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  1. I'd like to see an advanced breakdown on the swirling endzone side... And the non swirling side So one end zone is a lot more difficult than the other because of the one entrance... which creates swirling winds on one side... I'm sure the percentage going into the windy side is worse That's what makes it tougher kicking in it as your home stadium.. you're going to be forced to kick into the swirling wind side a good amount over 8 games Teams will trot out kickers from 55 on the good side.. they won't trot them out from 55 on the windy side usually
  2. If bass keeps getting to use the holders as an excuse he's going to lose a lot more games for us lol He's a professional kicker... And everybody holding for him has been holding for kickers... Last year people called Sam Martin an amazing holder when we got him Tyler bass crapped the bed
  3. Yes his release did not go to complete crap .. of course he's not completely overhauling it... That would actually be disaster... That's why I said clean up any inefficiencies... It's about cleaning up What I did notice.. and what I mentioned to @Beck Water was that his release was getting longer then it ever has He was starting to get a noticeable elongation which I figured was due to his elbow injury and discomfort... By the end of 2023 it was really noticeable to me And that's something that needs to get cleaned up which is why he is working on it When Cam Newton got his messed up shoulder... It completely messed up his throwing motion and he never threw a football the same way
  4. He does have a big leg but the highest he has ever finished and field goal percentage was 14th
  5. Well I don't doubt English is his native tongue He just might not know how to use the word diminutive lol or know what it means
  6. Not good for his NFL future ... He needs to make it more compact... Repeatable and more efficient... NFL corners in zone coverage who are already usually within milliseconds of coverage... Only need that extra split second of a hitch or elongated motion for a pick He's super talented.. but definitely has longer release for a top NFL quarterback prospect ... His is definitely able to get cleaned up... It's not disgusting bad... But It is longer with a hitch... It would not be described as crisp... And our defensive back corp and linebacker corp will be able to play the ball better
  7. He's never been in the top five or seven... When all you have is one job... Put Football through uprights... That's all you could judge him by He certainly was ascending before he fell off a cliff... But he's always had a natural fade... Right to left motion... Which is why he kicks pats from the left hash That's not normal for most kickers and not a consistent thing to repeat I had zero faith when I saw him on the right hash mark in the playoffs versus the Chiefs with the game on the line
  8. It's not the holder It's the kicker
  9. Hope he's okay I think the author just might not have a good grasp of the English language and was trying to use a different word lol Certainly not diminutive
  10. They obviously worked on a lot of stuff But at the quarterback summit they would go days and days without even touching a football He didn't have Josh Allen throwing 500 footballs a day... Even in private workouts... Sure they worked on deep ball trajectory and lots of stuff But Josh's release wasn't really the problem... It wasn't perfect but it was efficient...It was everything mechanically leading up to the release. His feet , hips , torso , shoulders Yeah he still works with him occasionally because he's really good... But Josh might have found other quarterback coaches for other stuff and outgrew some of his coaching That happens all the time... And his release did regress last year I suspect because of injury If I recall correctly he's working with Chris Hess right now... Who is a sports scientist who also maps and tracks throwing motion To help clean up the inefficiencies that came on last year in his release... Mainly some stuff with the elbow
  11. Yeah you can never correct Tim tebow's motion at the NFL level Even Sam darnold has too much of an elongated motion... When people talk about fast release.. it's not how quick the quarterback gets rid of the ball from the snap... It's how fast he can release the ball once he starts his motion
  12. Yeah I still go to elite 11 quarterback camps all over the country and work with quarterbacks I saw a noticeable elongation on his motion last year... I thought it was maybe because of the elbow injury But it's certainly was not as crisp as it used to be Hopefully he gets it corrected 100% mostly article is spot on But Josh's throwing motion in 2017 coming out was majorly impacted by his lower body... They would spend weeks without even throwing a football... Just working on lower body mechanics Then they had to get it up to speed with his upper half... But his lower body was way more in shambles 6 years ago then his release The last few years his release has been slowly relapsing... Last year it became more elongated then it has been since his rookie year so it makes sense that that's what he's trying to clean up But I think his elbow injury also impacted his throwing motion
  13. Years ago out of the draft when Josh started working with Palmer... He had terrible lower body footwork... It wasn't in line with the rest of his body Palmer spent a lot of time with Josh getting his lower body in sync with his upper half... His footwork was really out of sync That's what all those weeks on the beach with Palmer was ... Footwork footwork footwork... Josh didn't even touch a ball half those times Now of course they work out a lot of other stuff and every professional quarterback is always working on their mechanics including the release But I don't believe he goes to the quarterback summit with Palmer anymore... I think he just works with him occasionally on the side He needs his skills to be refined... Which there might be better coaches for I'm sure he still works out with Palmer occasionally but I don't believe he goes to his quarterback summit on the beach anymore Occasionally He does not go to his offseason Beach quarterback camp anymore if I recall correctly Where he put in most of the work his first couple of years in the offseason with Palmer Now I think they do some individual stuff occasionally... But not the quarterback summit I like that Josh is working on his release because it did seem a little longer last season
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