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machine gun kelly

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  1. You’re overthinking it. He’s just nicked it up and you go immediately that we don’t have a competent backup. I’ll remind you Allen has the most consistent starts since 2018 since he cam in the league. It’s not even close. That man is as tough as nails.
  2. War, that’s kind of the point and I agree. SF is known for positionless players. It’s an evolvement of a winning philosophy.
  3. I don’t see why we redo his contract early. He’s making on avg. $43 mil. We play it out amd can use the extra cash next year to buy some top talent around him. Someone like Tee Higgins or Ayuike. Josh will be happy for top talent around him and he’ll make even more $ on the next contract. He’ll be on the next contract way over $60 mil. and well deserved. Besides guys, the cap will keep going up exponentially so salary is all relative to the cap.
  4. I’m just glad she feels a little better. My sister has worked under for years, and always touts her praises.
  5. Yep, and when in the stadium, just about evryone gets on the lower deck. Youll have a blast, and if you have the good fortune and have a younger child in attendance Josh has been known to play catch with some of the kids.
  6. Normally 5 would play 2 which means we lose in the wildcard to the Jets.
  7. It’s nice to see Beane pushing back on the idiot who made such ridiculous comment.
  8. I was fine with what happened. I was patient with Diggs, but enough was enough. We’ll be better off in the long run.
  9. Whoever is the unnamed NFL Exec needs to get his eyes checked. Josh Allen is a top 3 QB in the entire NFL.
  10. I don’t know why so many people are unhappy with him. He’s fine. What do you guys want?
  11. I enjoy flying back home for one game a year with my sons, nephews and cousins. Otherwise on TV. my best is to go to the neighborhood sports bar to watch half the game, and leave at halftime, and watch the rest at home.
  12. I had a busy weekend so just getting back to it. You’re correct in that I’m not sure of we’ve signed our PS yet, but we’ll need a reserve for injuries, and if you’re right a PS. Besides, I think the talent pool out there is thin.
  13. The point of the thread was the best dual threat QB, not the best running QB.
  14. the MTC guys on NFLR reference Josh is the closest anyone has ever come to John Elway. Josh plays the game just like him.
  15. It’s been said and I agree Thomas has never come back after several injuries.
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