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  1. That's not unreasonable as we are basically talking about teams potential on paper. I would have Buffalo ahead of Dallas. Cleveland, Miami, Texans, Detroit all like to load up on "name" talent. That doesn't always translate to wins. I went 5-8 option but I think on paper we are closer to 8 than 5 at this stage of the off-season. Once questions start getting answered (Coleman's immediate production, what the defense looks like, Milano's health returning, ect) we could slide up pretty good or potentially back a bit IMO.
  2. Allen likely has the better stat line as Diggs has a lot of competition for targets in Houston. He's no longer a centerpiece. As far as who wins the game, let me see an injury report and I'll have a better idea. Still don't really know how our defense is going to look with the new DC and new players. As of now, I'd probably be inclined to take the Bills but a key injury or 2 would likely change that pick
  3. All those dick mentions and not an honorable nod to Jauron. Odd.😂
  4. When I see an age discrepancy like this it makes me think that the dude is like my boss is with my paycheck. He'd go lower if it wasn't illegal.
  5. Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and 2 dozen wings. Best I'll get are the wings and Black Swan on DVD with extended scenes.
  6. Well, he has the Cowboys hostage, really. He has all the power in any renegotiated deal with them at this time, so it's really a smart move to (reportedly) ask for way over value in order to maximize what he sees. Dallas won't pay it and he'll be a FA most likely and (even though I don't feel he's worth it) will likely reset the QB market in FA. He's in a no lose situation here. Smart business.
  7. Here's the way I think about this topic. There's OJ Simpson. And then there's RB#32. Kind of like in an old Madden game when someone wouldn't grant their name and they just got that generic position/number name. OJ Simpson is on my Mt. SHUSHmore. RB#32 is on my Mt. Rushmore.
  8. We have all seen and many have debated who would be the 4 faces of the Buffalo Bills in a Mt. Rushmore of the team. I want to take the conversation in the opposite direction. If you were to make a Mt. Rushmore that featured your 4 least favorite all time members of the Bills franchise...who would they be and why? Was it their play on the field? Their personality rub you the wrong way? Bad experience meeting them in person? I'll add mine a little later as I don't want to influence the initial responses.
  9. When the war against machines starts...I'm attacking toasters with all my might. Smug little machines.
  10. Better question would be might he crack the top 10? Based on his only having 1 season of good performance....I'd say no.
  11. Keon Coleman's 40 is so slow that Matt Haack could punt the ball three times in the time it takes him to finish it
  12. Some really good ones mentioned. Let me add Rasul Douglas to that list. When he was traded to us players on the Packers raved about his leadership.
  13. I do. I don't think we trade for anyone unless it's a lower roster type player for player deal. But I can see him moving an OL guy for a 2026 6th or something. I think the next trade activity we would see from Beane would be near the deadline to cover for injuries or if a position group was flat out not working out
  14. All jokes aside, what a horrible choice. Guy didn't even play most of the year last year. Honestly, I would have liked to see Brock Purdy. That would have been cool to see him from Mr. Irrelevant to Madden cover in a few short seasons.
  15. I hear he and AJ Klein are sharing a Winnabego out in the parking lot. From what I understand its going to make one HECK of an episode of the mid season Hard Knocks.
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