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Ethan in Cleveland

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  1. Amen 🙏 Pure speculation He was benched in Pittsburgh for a guy so bad they got rid of him too Right or wrong QB2 is just a calculated risk you have to take. If Allen misses even two games the season is lost. Hell the season was almost lost when he was playing with a sore shoulder.
  2. Honest question. How can you possibly say that? He has never played a meaningful snap in Buffalo.
  3. Lol...I was paraphrasing. Madden said it about having two QBs, meaning you don't have a star. Bills don't have a star WR but you are correct, if designed and executed well the offense can be very difficult to defend. You chose an interesting word though. Match-up. At some point the players still need to win one on one match ups. Diggs did that with aplomb. There are multiple guys if positioned well that should be able to win matchups. Shakir should beat most average slot corners. Kincaid and Knox can beat even the best linebackers and probably most safeties. Cook can beat any coverage. Samuel is a work in progress. What I am a little worried about is who is the guy that makes a play when Josh scrambles. That was commonly Diggs and Davis. Josh found them often. Will be interesting to see who he finds when the play breaks down.
  4. I believe you. It's obvious it dated back to the Bengals loss at least. Relationship with Allen fell apart and McDermott made it worse with his I'm concerned comments. Im of course biased because I think McDermott is a fraud and I think it was terrible decision to trade Diggs.
  5. Paraphrasing John Madden, when you have 5 starting WRs you have no starting WRs
  6. Interesting point. He's top 2 Nickel in the league and arguably the best. With all the other positions including probably at least one kicker, not sure any nickel CB will make top 100. He's better than most starting outside corners in the league.
  7. Cook should be a top 100 guy. He finished 3rd in all purpose yards for a RB. Yes he needs to decrease his drops but he is far far from one dimensional
  8. 18 games, two bye weeks, and 1 or zero pre-season games. Expand the rosters to 58 and let them all dress on game day. Get rid of the emergency QB rules. 10 man practice squad. COVID proved Pre-season is useless. I would not play my starters a single snap of preseason football. One last rule... change the salary cap. Have one cap for a single QB, and another for the other 57 guys.
  9. Yes but in four of those losses the offense left the field with the lead and the Defense and Special Teams blew it - Jets, Broncos, Patriots, and Eagles(twice). It took a miracle no-call against the Giants for the defense to not blow another lead. All but one of those teams have terrible offenses. McD's defense choked away multiple games. Same story every year. His defense pads their stats against bad teams and can't stop the better ones. I will give him his credit as he does seem to be able to stop the Dolphins most of the time.
  10. I was a huge skeptic. He looked awful his rookie year in limited duty. In one half of a season last year, he made more plays than Edmunds made in five years at MLB.
  11. Schedule is pretty easy. They get Bears x 2, Giants, Cards, Falcons, Colts, and Titans. Rams Jags Seahawks and Packers x 2. They might not be favored to win any of those games but they probably win a few of them My guess 5-12 and finish 3rd in NFL. Panthers (2-15) and Raiders(4-13) will be worst and second worst.
  12. So many to choose from but I'm going to mention a couple not mentioned yet. First was breaking Marino TD streak. When Strock came off the bench to relieve Marino the crowd knew exactly what they were seeing! Bills v Broncos 1987 Corenlius Bennett's first game. I was at the game. The crowd went crazy when Biscuit entered the game. First play he chased Elway out of the pocket. Later in the game they lined up Bennett behind Bruce and Elway saw it and called TO.
  13. Actually that is not true. There were no punts but each defense forced three turnovers. Kelly and Young each threw an INT. Bills forced three fumbles recovering two and 49ers forced and recovered two fumbles.
  14. Bears were gifted the first overall. They could have kept Fields, traded down and gotten MHJr, and another boat load of picks. They could have let Fields walk and sign Wilson or another vet. Williams wasn't even that good at USC. He is going to be a bust. They screwed up big time
  15. I try to get to one home and one away game every year. No matter the cost and inconvenience it still is fun. I only watch on TV in my home.
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