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st pete gogolak

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  1. Yeah! Drake Maye gets a full year of experience before we play the Pats! /s
  2. A guy nicknamed House orders two entrees? Color me shocked!
  3. Those are huge discrepancies between years. Any explanation? I presume caliber of competition is as good if not better in Big 10 as opposed to ACC. Offensive schemes run by Michigan State v. Florida State? Something else?
  4. Here’s something that I don’t understand. He doesn’t get separation but he has all these great times in the gauntlet. Separation doesn’t mean you run a fast 40. So what gives? Lack of quickness? Can “separation” be taught?
  5. I don't follow the college game. Is anyone bummed that Green Bay took Bullard two picks before we took Bishop? Bullard's highlights looked kind of awesome. How do the two rate vis-a-vis each other?
  6. Putting aside the Chiefs for a second, this was a pretty good first day for the Bills from an AFC East standpoint. Pats don’t get Daniels (who I think is a whole lot more dangerous than Maye), Jets don’t get one of the Big 3 WR’s or the top TE and Dolphins draft Aaron Maybin Part Deux. Let’s make some solid picks today and move forward.
  7. Your analysis by the way was spot on. What an awful draft.
  8. Butler had checked out by 2000. He was basically on his way to SD. Should have traded back for the Michigan QB in 2000.
  9. I remember Jimmy Johnson being a big believer in accumulating draft picks. Cowboys hit on quite a few but had their fair share of misses. I also recall his thoughts on kickers - “kickers are fungible”.
  10. Anyone outraged by Blacks’ reaction to the verdict needs to look at American history. How would you feel if you had witnessed whites being acquitted of murder by all-white juries hundreds, if not thousands of times - Emmett Till, Medger Evers, the list goes on and on - when obviously guilty. The OJ trial didn’t expose the American system of justice. It just exposed it to a different set of people.
  11. Not Princess Bride. Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  12. Not really if you put numbers on it. Preponderance of the evidence you need 50.1% for verdict. Beyond reasonable doubt? No one puts a number on it but assume it’s around 90% - 95% sure person is guilty. So not guilty in criminal case but guilty in civil case, juries believed defendant was between 50.1% and 90% - 95% guilty. Kind of crazy but that’s the system.
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