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Just Jack

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    Syracuse, NY

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  1. I had a flight years ago and overheard the FAs talking to each other while I was boarding that there was only one empty seat that flight. I knew from watching the seat map (on the Delta app) that the one next to me had been shown as empty. Lucky me, that was the empty seat that flight.
  2. Anyone done both the virtual and in person presentations? I still can't make an in person (who decided M-F, 9-5 only is an idiot) so I'm set up for a virtual next week. Just wondering if I should still try to go to the in-person later. Right now I'm 95% certain I'm not going to renew, so going to the site is not a priority, just wondering if it's cool enough to check out anyways.
  3. Baggage claim - No need to get right on top of the carousel, you're not going to get your bag any faster. If I had my way, I'd put a line about 3 feet out from the edge of the belt, and have people stand behind it, until you see your bag. TSA PreCheck® | Transportation Security Administration ($78) or if you're close to the Canadian border... NEXUS | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (cbp.gov) (includes PreCheck, just $50 till this October, then it goes to $120, but the card is good for 5 years)
  4. You think that’s bad, try flying on a Canadian airline. The FAs will make you take your headphones off and tell you to listen to their safety briefing. Listen FA Florence, I’ve flown enough to know how to get out of a plane that just hit a moose, it’s the same as our freedom loving, do what you want, we don’t care, US based airplanes.
  5. I was walking through a terminal sometime earlier this year, one Southwest gate was going to one of the Caribbean islands, there was 25-30 wheelchairs lined up waiting to board. Yes, that many. So many they could not fit them in the boarding area and were spilling out into the walkway.
  6. I go to a lot of concerts. Back in the early internet days there were sites that gave details on how to go about getting photo/press passes so you could get right up in front, between the crowd and the stage. Typically, it involved either making your own "fake" news site or paying for press credentials from another site.
  7. I'm wondering that also, or will it be like last year where they kept her in a dark tinted vehicle on the edge of the field.
  8. I was waiting to board one flight and a 20's something girl comes up with her "service" dog in a stroller. Has the service dog vest on. But the vest had a website stitched on the side. Looked it up and sure enough, "Pay $60 and we'll send you a certification and vest for your animal". I've never been asked to take my backpack out of the overhead, maybe because it's larger and I stuff it full enough that it looks like it won't fit under a seat. Coming home the other week, we land, get to the gate, and literally as soon as the seat belt sign was off, this guy from somewhere behind me practically sprinted to the front of the plane. I know he did not have a connecting flight, we were landing in Syracuse, ain't no connections there, it's not a hub. I recline mine just enough so I'm not sitting straight up. And thankfully I've never been asked to switch seats. I agree with you, same seat for same seat, or an upgrade towards the front, not further back.
  9. Oh, I've been thinking about making a thread like this, ever since the driving pet peeves one was started. Most of what annoys me is already covered though.
  10. So if I hold out long enough, I could get my PSL for $100 and my choice of a coffee mug from the Bills store?
  11. The Jets were going to build a stadium in NYC, but the city said no thanks.
  12. The only swag this year was the cardboard sleeve/holder they came in has the schedule printed on it. Ralph may have been considered cheap, but we got stuff when he was still owner.
  13. You see, my employer would like me to contribute to the success of the company, by using my time and skills, to further our reach into our field, and provide goods and services, to those facilities that can best utilize us. If I take the time to write to the Buffalo Bills in defense of someone that would like to procure passes to training camp, so that they may report back on what things they have seen, that will take time away from my normal duties, and possibly get me in trouble with my employer, resulting in myself being let go, where I will then have to come on here, and start a GoFundMe to pay for my bills. And how many people here would actually donate to such fund? Not many I believe. That is why I do not have time to write. tl/dr: No I would watch that.
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