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  1. The Southwest Airlines miracle flights. Half the passengers need wheelchairs when they board but are miraculously cured upon arrival and no longer need wheelchairs.
  2. A number of years ago we took a New England cruise that included a stop in Halifax. We did an excursion from Halifax to Peggy's Cove and I thought the landscape was stunning and unique. I've also driven the Maine coast north to south starting from Calais Maine and that was also amazing. On the other hand the drive from south to north through the middle of Maine to get to Calais was mostly boring.
  3. We had an afternoon flight out of NYC and fortunately weren't affected. What was funny was seeing all of the video monitors going through a constant reboot, login screen, blue screen of death cycle. The arrival/departure displays were fine.
  4. I watched the Bob Newhart show growing up and remember Mr. Carlin being a favorite character. Then in college I heard about the 'Hi Bob' drinking game. I've heard countless variations since. Our hockey variation was 'bowls for goals'. We joked about 'shots for shots' but that was a non-starter. Fast forward to having kids and Bob showed up in Elf and then the boys got older and he showed up in Big Bang Theory. Last year they were telling me about Super Bpwl drinking games centered around camera shots of Taylor Swift and I explained that from my perspective it all started with 'Hi Bob'. Good times.
  5. Whispers at the bus stop Well, I've heard about nights out in the school yard I found out about you
  6. On the other hand, hearing her explanation reminded of some awful karaoke singers that I've encountered so it made sense. Whatever the case may be I feel bad for her. It was epically bad, hope she gets a chance to redeem herself.
  7. Surprised there are no comments from our resident Crankee fans following a big win that ended with a beaning. Like Scooter Rizzuto I have to mark this down on the score card as WW - wasn't watching. Interested to hear whether Cranks or O's fans think there was intent behind the pitch.
  8. Yeah that's what I was driving at...of late the Mets have been pretty good, while the Yanks have been pretty bad, but water seeks it's level and my sense is that in the end this Mets team will continue to hover around .500 (which may be good enough to contend for a WC) and the Yanks will break out of their funk and ease into a WC spot.
  9. As an out of market Bills fan, the Raiders have always been my second team. Appreciate the call out for Lester Hayes, he was a fave. Was at a concert a month ago and a guy was wearing a Hayes jersey. On the other hand, I hated Romanowski, even as a Raider. D-bag. Some other players that I loved watching: Earl Campbell, Bo Jackson, Hines Ward, Troy Polamalu, Ed Reed, Charlie Garner (as a Raider). Kellen Winslow deserves a mention for a great career and arguably the greatest game ever by a TE. And I'd rank Lawrence Taylor as the greatest defensive player I ever watched - but I wouldn't call him a favorite.
  10. Bolded is a fair question but unbolded an unfair comparison. Yanks are sitting at .591 +3.5 for the first AL WC spot, Mets are at .500 -1.5 from the last NL WC spot. I'm a Mets fan and what I see is a .500 team playing in a league where that currently keeps them in contention - the same record puts them 5 games out of the last WC spot in the AL. Yanks will make the playoffs (a -effin-gain...no mean feat) but aren't the juggernaut they were a month ago. I'll look forward to seeing how things play out the next month. Between hot/cold players, trades, call-ups and injuries it's likely to change for both teams. For the record I'm not overly optimistic about the Mutts. I think the Cranks will improve but not look like WS contenders. Time will tell.
  11. Yesterday morning I went Out for a cup of coffee I shaved and Then I combed my hair A man who don't know me Said something to my back I stopped to turn around and face it That is why I pack my .25 Where nobody knows Right above my boot
  12. Soaking up the sunshine, sittin' on the 405 (Sure feels right) I can take my time just to do what I like Because it sure feels right (Sure feels right) Just singing to the radio ----- For those that follow the Share some music thread this is another of my go-to chill songs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vPy795FlRM), it's so saccharine even wifey likes it in spite of the Sex Pistols reference. Good times.
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