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  1. When she is actually the nominee, he will gladly debate her. . . . . . . . . . . . but you knew that.
  2. In the wee hours of Friday morning, Barack Obama shared this COMPLETELY spontaneous phone call to Kamala Harris where he and his wife shared their endorsement for 'their girl.' Pay close attention to how surprised Kamala was to hear from both of them and gosh, golly, gee, it's all so inspirational and not-at-all scripted.
  3. WHOA ... Chris Cillizza (No, REALLY!) Calls Media Out for Pretending Biden CHOSE to Leave the Race The Democrat elite released their talking points and the mainstream media is running with them. We all know they pushed Biden to drop out, that he didn't make the decision to do so just because he loves his country ... but that's not stopping the media from pushing what they've been told to push and that is the lie that Biden is a super patriot who put the country before himself. Case in point. C'MON MAN. THAT'S A BUNCH OF MALARKEY! Even Chris Cillizza thinks so. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/07/26/chris-cillizza-calls-media-out-for-spinning-biden-story-he-was-pushed-out-n2398881
  4. THEY GOT THE MEMO According to the media as of this week, Harris was never President Biden’s “border czar.” The denial belies the media’s own usage and reporting before this week, so one might want to ask what’s happening here, as the Fox & Friends cast did this morning. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/07/they-got-the-memo.php In the span of a month, we have gone from "Joe Biden is sharp as a tack" to "Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar." 2024 makes 1984 look like an instruction manual. The mainstream media, big tech, the Democrat Party, and the Hollywood Elite are working overtime to rewrite history moment by moment. The word goes out and history is rewritten.
  5. Wow. All the fallacy arguments in one neat package. . . . . . . . well done.
  6. Right and Left Are Wrong about J. D. Vance By NEAL B. FREEMAN Vance is no Adolf Hitler. He’s more of a young Bill Clinton. You have probably read, more than a few times, this consensus Beltway story: Trump is seeking to entrench MAGA as the governing force in his new Republican Party, and he picked J. D. Vance to carry forward that legacy. Put aside for a moment the surface problems. There is nothing in the public record to suggest that Trump does long-range planning. His time horizon seems to stretch out to, oh, early September. Nor does Trump do political philosophy. He governs spontaneously, proudly unrestrained by the dead hands of practice and precedent. The fundamental problem with the story concerns J. D. Vance. He cannot be relied upon to carry forward the MAGA legacy because he is not yet wedded to it himself. The story of his adult life begins at Yale Law School. He’s older than many of his classmates, but he’s already well behind them, both academically and socially. He has spent the previous seven years in the U.S. Marines and, for college, at Ohio State. That is invaluable experience, all of it, but less than comprehensive preparation for a high-pressure academic face-off. Vance is inspired by a fellow student, Usha Chilukuri, who is better prepared for the challenge they face. She has spent the previous six years excelling, first at Yale College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree, and then at Cambridge University, where she earned a graduate degree. (Usha Chilikuri is a caricature of the high-performing, second-generation Indian American. She later becomes an editor of the Yale Law Journal, then clerks at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and at the U.S. Supreme Court before becoming a litigator with the top-tier law firm, Munger, Tolles and Olson, founded by Warren Buffett’s business partner, Charles Munger. All this while having three children in five years with her new husband, J. D. Vance.) By all accounts, Usha provided critical help to Vance as he tried to navigate the murky waters of that most elite of Ivy League institutions. When they became a couple, and then married, it was clear to their friends that Usha would be the brains in the family. Does this story remind you, mutatis mutandis, of those earlier Yale Law School classmates, Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton? It should. Hillary was raised in an affluent Chicago suburb and graduated from one of the Seven Sisters, Wellesley College. Bill was the boy from Hope, Ark., and it showed. Both academically and socially, Hillary wore the pants in the new family then forming. But there was something else, beyond their superstar wives, that Bill Clinton and J. D. Vance had in common. They were both sons of an alcoholic parent. What that meant was that, after years of dark and dangerous practice, they had learned how to read a room. They could sense tension building — and knew how to defuse it. They could anticipate assaults, both physical and rhetorical — and be quick to deflect them. They became good on their feet, glib and likeable. What they gave away in terms of academic achievement, they more than made up for in street smarts. They both had rizz, if you like. Some people just called them bullsh** artists. {snip} J. D. Vance, along with the rest of us, now faces the question the answer to which will define our generation’s legacy to the next. It is neither ideological nor cultural. It is a question of temperament and outlook. It is this: When you look at the American economy, which is the envy of the world, what do you see? Do you see success? Or do you see greed? https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/07/right-and-left-are-wrong-about-j-d-vance/
  7. Another person who is being vetted, according to reports, is Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona - a Democrat in an otherwise fairly red state (recent elections notwithstanding). But Kelly isn't just a U.S. senator. He's also the husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and, with her, co-founded the Giffords gun control advocacy group. That group, as it turns out, is pledging $15 million to help the Harris campaign. Let me reiterate that: Mark Kelly's gun control advocacy group has pledged $15 million in order to help the Harris campaign while Kelly is under consideration to be Harris' running mate. To NBC's credit, they asked the obvious question: https://redstate.com/joesquire/2024/07/26/is-sen-mark-kelly-trying-to-buy-his-way-onto-the-kamala-harris-ticket-n2177396
  8. . It's happening. In something as predictable as the grass getting wet when it rains, the mainstream media, so-called "fact checkers," dark money groups, Hollywood, and Big Tech are all cranking their war machines back up to do the heavy lifting for Kamala Harris ahead of the DNC, where she is expected to formally accept the nomination, and Election Day, which is a little over three months away. Already, there are efforts underway to gaslight voters on a massive scale regarding her role as Joe Biden's border czar, where she failed miserably. The press and their fact-checking arms, in concert with the Democrat lawmakers, have dutifully picked up the talking point in what some have described as disturbing "Stalin-like" tactics to revise or in some cases erase history from the public eye. Most of the people reading this already know what's up, know what to look for, and to always question the media spin. But there are so many in our lives who swallow whole what our supposed intellectual betters in the press and beyond say about candidates for public office, with the vast majority of the information they read and hear being purposely skewed to benefit the Democrat candidate. If you know anyone like this (and let's face it, most of us do), do them - and yourself a favor - if the opportunity presents itself and alert them as to how untrustworthy these bad-faith actors are by reminding them of two simple yet crucial things they need to know before making their decision in the presidential race. The first one: Second https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2024/07/25/two-critical-things-voters-should-remember-about-those-calling-kamala-a-great-candidate-n2177385
  9. Border Patrol Union Pres. Brandon Judd Endorses Trump The National Border Patrol Council has been front and center and outspoken about the mismanagement and dangerous policies the Biden administration has implemented over the past three-and-a-half years while claiming that the Southern border is safe and secure. https://redstate.com/beccalower/2024/07/25/border-patrol-assoc-chief-endorses-trump-makes-damning-indictment-of-kamala-harris-as-border-czar-n2177382
  10. Castellanos makes the observation that Harris can't modulate her radical agenda. There are too many clips of her pushing to defund the police, end fracking, and abolish ICE and immigration enforcement (among other radical positions) to counter them with a shift to the center. She doesn't have the Clintonian talent to triangulate convincingly, even if Harris were so inclined https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2024/07/25/this-is-peak-kamala-downhill-from-here-n3792281
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