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  1. Sounds about right. Reliable Axios reporting.
  2. Commie scum TH3 attacking the messenger? How novel and refreshing!
  3. No *****. "Breaking" news telling everyone the sky is indeed blue....two weeks later.
  4. The entire goal of the Biden regime was to open the border while at the same time claiming its secure. That's why Biden saddled Kamala with it. If it got too out of control, which it most definitely did, and became a massive political albatross then just ditch Kamala for the 2024 election. This is why Kamala slick talked her way around it with finding "root causes" and other nonsense. Anything to not claim on the record the actual duties Biden saddled her with. Fast forward to 2024 and Bidens dementia predictably accelerated and he got ditched instead. So how does the border czar now running for President distance herself from the border disaster? With a friendly propagandist Pravda media gaslightling useful idiots.
  5. Cmon Roundy. Defend this. Call us all hateful transphobes again for calling this out for what it is. Bring down the temperature and create unity!
  6. Remember when Mohammad was mocked by a French paper and what happened? Oh.
  7. More trans woke nonsense. And here I was only expecting USA athletes to shi.t on the country they're representing.
  8. This isn't for the commie useful idiots, but for sane people. Trump gave a multitude of debate concessions to BIDEN so he would agree to a debate. Presumably Harris doesn't need those same concessions due to her not having dementia, so why should Trump agree to a debate under Dementia Joe's terms for a debate with Kamala? He shouldn't is the answer for sane people.
  9. Laken Riley. Her blood is on border czar Kamala's hands. Own it Roundy.
  10. I'd have a beer with you, but most definitely not with 4th.
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