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  1. Hamler looks fast and Shavers has an NFL body. For sure. I really think the last spot comes down to who wins the PR battle. Even if it's Hardy, then it could change the calculus both at WR (maybe it lets them keep Claypool, or Hamler, or Shavers, when they otherwise couldn't). Or maybe Hardy forces their hand on a DB who would otherwise be here and the sixth WR is more of a core STer.
  2. Hollins is ahead of MVS, who is ahead of Claypool. I *think* Allen spend some time with MVS after practice working on chemistry (it's not there yet). Interestingly, MVS entered the field alone today. Kind of odd. I spent a lot of time thinking about the MVS issue today. He's much bigger physically than I appreciated. But I'm not sure how he's bonding with everyone. Claypool and Shakir have a good relationship, it appears. I think MVS makes the team, with one of Claypool, Shavers (he has an NFL body), Hamler (fast), and Isabella making the team depending on who wins the PR job and what happens with the DBs. (For example, if Hardy wins the job and plays a little defense, maybe that changes the analysis at WR5 and WR6. There's a long way to go in camp, though, and . . . I wouldn't be stunned if MVS is a surprise cut. Also, on another note, our safeties suck.
  3. They had him in orbit motion today where he would have become a lead blocker for a back in trail technique behind him. That concept was used as eye candy in advance of what appeared to be a screen to the opposite side of the field. They were mostly garbage today.
  4. If he's following the advice of some here and treating COVID with HCQ and a healthy supply of Lysol then he's probably not in good shape.
  5. 51-3. NE playoff win was good too. Also a great memory. Kind of a misty day. Amazing atmosphere.
  6. Two big drops that changed the trajectory of the franchise. KC playoffs last year, and the wind game ball that nobody talks about that was a dime for a TD.
  7. I’m aware. He’ll have even fewer if he acts elsewhere as he did here. Adios to that headache. The Bills decided their odds of winning then Super Bowl are better without him.
  8. Also he's a temperamental jerk. Don't forget that.
  9. I'm good with Whitmer/Wes Helms in no particular order. I can live with Kamala/Beshear or Mark Kelly. Trump is an awful candidate and the fact that he hasn't pulled away from Biden speaks for itself. He can't run away from a corpse.
  10. That’s good. Use the sacred right to vote to upset internet randos and to work against your own interests. Classic MAGA.
  11. Now just add the military to the list. Those suckers and losers. And law enforcement. And democracy. I really wouldn’t have a problem with MAGA of it just admitted that J6 was wrong, that they don’t care about anyone but themselves (including soldiers and police), that they’re actually socialists (Medicaid, social security, free COVID bucks, no repeal and replace), and that their approach actually is one of selfishness mixed with a little stupidity (huge tax cuts for the rich and ballooning deficits). A little truth and I could hold my nose and tolerate the movement for four more years. It’s just the lying and the deceit and the unadulterated selfishness that makes it hard to understand. Or respect.
  12. At least somebody admits it. This is a point I can live with. This guy is the friggin golden calf. Not the least bit religious. He pandered to and used the evangelicals just like he uses everyone else. Only they’re too oblivious to see it. Maybe they’ll figure it out when he flips on abortion soon.
  13. It’s capped at 40k seats, I believe, and it was extremely busy last year. Parking has been a headache there for a couple of years. Be early for this one.
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