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  1. This is his last year on the contract with Amazon. I don't expect him to continue after this season. He may not be interested because he doesn't seem to have it in him anymore. Or, no network will be willing to sign him after this season. In any outcome, I expect that he is finished. He was really good, sometime ago.
  2. Remember these monstrosities on every street corner?
  3. I was harsh on Terrel Bernard after the first game he filled in for Tremaine Edmunds. It was a lackluster game for him and I expressed low expectations for the future. I WAS WRONG, and I am glad about that.
  4. I like to watch on TV. I end up watching at a friend's house. That is great and all, but they have some habits. They talk over the announcer after big plays. They also do replays using the DVR function--on occasion they miss real game action doing so. But I accept it as-is because you can't over-appreciate a good friend.
  5. This about sums it up: When I was active duty, the Sys Admins tested every update before they rolled them out to gen pop. I thought that was SOP. I guess not. I would go a step further: don't rely on Windows to be your Production System. Better options exist.
  6. I almost adopted the cruising lifestyle. I looked at being a Looper. But I'm a bachelor and would have to go alone. It's something I consider a two person operation. Single handed docking makes my sphincter tighten, or going through a lock alone.
  7. Dude should just quit drinking. If you are a drinker, then quit, you would be pleasantly surprised how much your life improves. And you certainly aren't going to kill someone while driving, so there is that benefit alone.
  8. I, for one, am a Bills fan who highly approves of Allen's golf habit. Golf is good for the brain. It entails focus, concentration and strategic thinking--all of those contribute to good QB play. (confession: I have golfed only three times, but enjoyed it)
  9. Youtube creators have the option of creating a transcript. I wish they had done so here. I like to get my news reading. I can read 10 minutes of video or podcast in about 2 minutes. Judging by the comments at Youtube, Dion was his usual personable and impressive self during this interview. He is a mensch. He's a credit to the Bills.
  10. 100 concussions and 15 seizures can do that to a guy. If he is not drinking now I will give him a pass in my book.
  11. There multiple entire threads here where you could express that sentiment. It doesn't fit here.
  12. RIP young man. I once lived in MD. The drivers are maniacs, so this is no surprise to me.
  13. Von Miller. I want to be wrong about Von Miller. Tyler Bass is my runner-up for this question. I didn't select him because just as he snapped out of being good, he might snap back into being good. Kickers are weird head cases that way. Von Miller's knee might be an irrecoverable reality--Tyler Bass's brain may not be.
  14. Recaps of Summer Games.... this is something I'm not going to get hot and bothered over. I don't see it as a step on a slippery slope toward full automation of coverage. Al Michaels.... is it the good Al from years back? I always liked that Al. Or is it the worn out, past his time, Al from Amazon? Amazon Al only has one year left, that's a good thing. I think of the Artificial Intelligence Spotify DJ that my daughter listens to. That guy isn't bad, the algorithm is very good. That could make a nice game recap if they do it right.
  15. This penalty will be paid by higher ticket prices, higher streaming prices, and even more commercials. What a win for the fans!
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