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  1. It’s the top 100 players from the year 2023. Previous years shouldn’t matter. Bernard played like a demon and had the stats to back it up. IMO, he was the reason we lost to the Chiefs. Like people said, he SHOULD be on the list, but he won’t !
  2. It’s all about hot takes nowadays and everything is perceived to be so black and white. Football is a team game. We saw that when key players on the defense were injured, when Bass missed an easy kick to tie the game up late in the 4th, or when McD made some very questionable calls especially on special teams. Of course everyone wants to chalk it up to Mahomes being more “clutch” than Allen. It’s way more complicated than that. It even comes down to sheer luck at times. There are so many planets that need to align for a championship team.
  3. They still have the best WR in the league. I’d say 6-7 wins
  4. Diggs is a clown. A millionaire 50 times over w/ a top 3 QB throwing to him, fan base that loves him, and a receiving yards title yet still finds things to complain about. I have no sympathy for this bozo and I hope he flames out in Houston recording career lows in every category as the 3rd option. Josh continually saves face for him. He’s gotta be screaming inside when he was on the team. I bet he’s secretly excited to finally have full control of the offense.
  5. Sounds like your average uninformed YouTube commenter who just goes by stats only
  6. Yeah, seems like scouts/coaches were much more stuck in their ways back then as far as measurables and finding the prototype 6’3 + QB. Now they aren’t as much, but it worked out in our favor. Josh Allen would’ve went #1 overall in every draft prior to 2010 (ball park number, but just making a point.) The short guy w/ the intangibles & heart ended up going #1 and JA dropped down all the way to 7. I feel like Flutie would’ve been really good in today’s NFL especially in an offense designed around him that took advantage of his scrambling and ability to throw on the run. Like a poor man’s Russell Wilson. Regardless, he’s got a legendary career than any player would be proud of. He’s had success on every level he’s played in. Flutie is definitely one of my favorite players of all time and I never understood the dislike that some on this board have for him despite loving Ryan Fitzpatrick who never got the Bills to the postseason. He’s a winner. Who knows what would’ve happened had he started the Music City Miracle game? That was a massive slap in the face to the players and fans. At the very least, he was fun to watch and played w/ heart.
  7. Did not know it was blacked out. Pretty cool to be one of the few who got to see it live then 👍
  8. My first ever Bills game I attended. Bills vs Jacksonville when Flutie ran it in for the game winning TD w/ 16 seconds left. I was hooked ever since and why I will always have love for Doug Flutie. I have never heard a stadium get as loud as it did on that day.
  9. He has quietly put together a 9 year career in a league where players average about 3. Not bad at all
  10. I made a thread about this months ago. The criticism has been insane when it should be directed more towards guys like Justin Herbert and Trevor Lawrence.
  11. Pretty much the same here. I hit 30 recently and I’d much rather just sit back w/ my girl and cook up something nice. It’s actually a great culinary experience because we do something different every game and she is an amazing cook. Seafood is always served during the Fins matchup.
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