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  1. I am not a current season ticket holder and no longer live in Buffalo. I had gone on the Bills website a while back and signed up for “info on new stadium” or some such link. Really just did this to keep up with construction progress. Well, I got a call yesterday asking if I was interested in psl/season tickets in the club level of the new stadium. I was considered on the waitlist. I politely declined and tried to get info on cheaper psl’s but nothing available yet. They must really be having a hard time selling the clubs if I’m getting a call.
  2. Yeah not a chance. $4.75B, possibly up to $6.9B https://news.wttw.com/2024/04/29/new-chicago-bears-stadium-plans-met-mixed-reviews-analysts-question-true-cost-taxpayers#:~:text=The team said they're,is more like %246.9 billion.
  3. Yep same here. I’m doing the standalone which is $389 for ST and RZ after the $100 discount. For those that didn’t get an email or didn’t sub last year, you can go directly to their promo page, ends 5/16 https://tv.youtube.com/learn/nflsundayticket/
  4. I had the standalone without YTTV and was able to do the same. I’m hoping the same but not expecting price to drop. It’s not like the directv days where I could call and get it free almost every single year 😔
  5. https://wyrk.com/mark-poloncarz-issues-statement-about-buffalo-bills-high-psls/ The County Executive expressed his disappointment to the Bills and Legends representatives last week during a tour of the new Stadium Experience, regarding their failure to publicly release the PSL prices. For the record, the county has not been provided any prices/costs regarding the PSLs because we are not a party to the PSL agreement, as the county is out of the football business once the new stadium opens up. We are discussing the matter with the state at this time.
  6. Mist’ve been some nap you took. That was over 4 years ago. Here’s a newer one: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bones-tools-cave-could-rewrite-history-humans-neanderthals-europe/
  7. Yes, that’s exactly the point being made by the poster I quoted and agreed with.
  8. Yep exactly, I posted this in the game thread. I’m not saying there isn’t a case for receiving but totally understand why you take the ball. Technically it’s the correct choice. The first coach that kicks and then loses in this scenario will get reamed for not choosing to receive the kick.
  9. Unless both teams score and it’s still tied. Then next score wins, and taking the ball is the right call.
  10. Thank you. Agree with pretty much everything you said. The playoff game against the Chiefs was two great teams going toe to toe, with a couple of plays (and a depleted defense) making the difference. I will say there have been some coaching missteps in the past and early this season but it was masterful down the stretch and even in that last game. We probably had no business being where we were with all the injuries but competed til the end. There is for sure an element of coaching that goes into that (as well as player leadership). The more removed I get from the disappointment of the loss, the more I can appreciate what a successful season it really was. We can only hope we get over the hump and win one but I’m going to enjoy the ride of having a superstar qb and a perennial playoff team as long as it lasts.
  11. How many times have I seen defenders fly over the top of a qb today, between both games. Does no one know how to tackle through the waist anymore
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