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  1. Doesn't Dak need to win more than 2 playoff games to demand more money?
  2. Agreed. The agent was waiting for one of the domino's to fall. I'd take Love all day. To me, Tua has hit his ceiling and you can see his limitations. Tua has a great support in his OC and weapons. Love did so much more with less and has only scratched the surface.
  3. *****, that was rough to watch. It's crazy to think how this can happen to anyone in the blink of an eye. I'm happy she was able to make it out to the practices and it's great to see the team embrace her. I really liked the trajectory she was on with the team and all the good things she was doing for the city of Buffalo.
  4. It's interesting to me that he only took a 4 year deal, and here's why: We are seeing the NFL salary cap grow YoY exponentially in ways we haven't seen before. Similar to the NBA, you see players wanting only 2-4 year deals, knowing they cap will be a lot higher when they are a FA again, and they bet on themselves to stay relevant and healthy. For Tua, he could be hoping to get a 70 mil per deal in 4 years, which seems to be where these QB contracts are trending. If this is the case, I'm curious to see how it affects teams ability to create dynasty's as other teams will have more opportunities to poach players.
  5. What section is that? Just curious because our seats are somewhat close and want to see where we will fall into the new areas
  6. Out of curiosity, where are your current seats?
  7. If the players got larger contracts as a result of this deal, and they are paid based upon a percentage in revenue sharing, would the players not be affected for future deals? I’m not saying the players should help pay for this, but they are directly affected.
  8. There's a lot of ways for the NFL to come up with this money, and I wouldn't be surprised if trying to reduce the cap isn't one of those ideas. In the current agreement, there's a revenue sharing split between the owners and players. Whatever that percentage is, it would be fair to me to have it apply to who pays the lawsuit bill. Both the owners and players made out on the TV deals. Look at the NBA. The players negotiate their deals almost exclusively around when the new TV deals are set to land. I'm not going to argue what the players have to physically go through and the toll playing takes on their bodies, but they can definitely afford to make less if needed. To me, I do think the owners should take the brunt of paying the fees as they were the ones who negotiated the deal. As for the owners who don't have that type of cash laying around, there are plenty of legitimate ways for them to get it. As for the comments about fans being willing to pay the Sunday Ticket price. What other choice did they have as a football fan? I think it begs the question, just because they can charge that much, should they? This is where the governments gets involved with monopolies and anti-trust. The prices for Sunday ticket and where it's available are crazy. I'd argue this is almost like gambling addictions. You can always say that people don't need to gamble, but let's be real. Most fans aren't going to stop watching their team because the price of Sunday Ticket is too high. Sunday Ticket almost single handedly kept DirecTv in business because of it. There's a lot of rambling in there. End result, I think this loss by the NFL is a good thing. They have been running unchecked for a while now and the fans are paying for it. From Roger saying Super Bowl isn't for the fans to attend anymore, what we are seeing with the Bills new stadium and PSL's, and a bunch of other moves, the NFL is feeding off the addictive nature of it's product and needs to be regulated.
  9. Do you remember the exact moment you failed him as a father?
  10. Just means another wasted season with a second round elimination
  11. The problem is, this has been our MO the past few years. Team just can’t stay healthy or age catches them at the midpoint.
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