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  1. Great, she'll get the nomination and then they can decide on a debate. The previous debate was with Biden, who is now gone. New person, new debate and parameters. It's not a hard concept. But if you're still not convinced, we can make a bet that Trump does agree to debate her. Whatever amount you want. Make it a big one if you're so sure...
  2. It was less distraction than dominating them, getting complacent and letting them back in the game. They made it close...but still lost.
  3. He'll debate her when they make her the nominee. It's right there in front of you.
  4. The media has exposed themselves for the liars they are. They apparently don't care/about their reputations anymore.
  5. I watched some of the opening ceremony. I thought it was interesting that they had Rafael Nadal, and then Serena Williams, and then Carl Lewis and then Nadia Comaneci, all fine upstanding French citizens, carry the torch...
  6. Let's try another tack. Show me where he said he's backing out.
  7. TDS is strong. They're more incensed by daring to question whether he was actually hit by glass versus a bullet than the fact that there was an assassination attempt on his life and it was facilitated by the most inept USSS "protection" in 40+ years. It deserves a laugh right in their faces.
  8. That's what you guys said about Biden. Many of us knew to trust what we saw and not what you were yelling yourselves. Trump doesn't fear her and he'll wipe the walls with her. And all she'll be able to do is pull out the race and sex cards.
  9. If Harris gets the nomination and they then debate, how many weeks do you think Harris will take off? Two? Three?
  10. You guys believed Trump was too scared to debate Biden. And were looking forward to the first debate...
  11. He didn’t sound senile in the first debate. And have you heard Harris speak? LOL!
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