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Don Otreply

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    Now located in Beaufort SC, keeping the boat at Ladies island marina, my wife is the new Dock Master there, the new engine is installed in our sailboat, and we have become weekend sailors for the present, we will be heading to the Bahamas next year

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  1. When has QB2 not been a problem if he has to play? This goes for every team, ever season since the beginning of football, stop with the manufactured drama, JFC this nonsense topic has already been beaten to death repeatedly during the last sixty years for the team from Buffalo…, nuthin but luv…
  2. So not worth that kinda money, but the good news is they are stuck with the little guy for the next four years,
  3. We will all assume you are imparting sarcasm into this thread…,
  4. It was said here on this board that Josh said he was working on clearing up his throwing motion during the offseason, ya know, when he wasn’t doing the little things…, 🤣
  5. I read here today that Claypool had a nice toe drag completion,
  6. Vein, I meant vein, really 🤣
  7. Vein sorry not a doctor, but I play one on tv…,
  8. lol 👍, years ago I had blood clots in my left leg, one of which broke free and went through my heart and landed in my right lung, ( yup, sucked big time) I take anticoagulants daily and wear a compression stocking on my left calf to aid blood flow out of my left leg, my left calf hasn’t seen the light of day in decades, it’s the whitest white boy skin on the planet earth lol🤣
  9. Likely a compression stocking, aids with blood flow up out of the leg via the femoral artery, ask me how I know,
  10. We live in a time of an entitled, pearl clutching, much ado about virtually nothing society, peopled by folk who think they matter, its more than kinda pathetic when one looks at it even remotely in an objective fashion…, god we humans suck sometimes, 😂
  11. Pent up Freudian frustrations much… calm yourself fellow fan, the best always eat more, but as an offense you don’t want the “D” to get comfortable knowing that yet again the Bills will force another pass to Diggs type of thing, got to be unpredictable to be successful.
  12. The statement reminds me of UConn women’s BB coach Geno Auriema when he was operating with the same concept while he was winning his dozen National Championships, conceptually it’s a good concept and as said above, will be a headache for DCs fingers crossed 🤞
  13. As a leader he needs to “when appropriate “ get on his boys to up their games, of course we all hope that won’t be necessary, I think Josh will inherently know how to do that in a measured fashion. GO BILLS!!!
  14. Totally agree, I was having some health issues back in 2017, turns out I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, my ejection fraction was 15, spent two weeks in cardiac ICU and another ten days in a step down unit, by the time I got home walking up five steps to get into the house was exhausting, and required a nap afterwards, it took a very long time to be able to do “ normal stuff “ before this happened I was an avid cyclist, for the better part of thirty years, I’m near normal now, go to the gym lift some weights etc, I can’t imagine how hard it was for Damar to get back to playing pro football, damned amazing frankly, more power to him!
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