My mother kept a picture my dad took of an Indian movie star (Amitabh Bachchan, a legend who some of you may have heard of him, and he was featured in "Slumdog Millionaire") who he ran into in an airport in California with his friend in the late 80s. In the picture is a seated Bachchan, his friend kneeling next to him and some rando seated near Bachchan. The picture was kept in my brother's childhood room in his closet in a bin on the floor, with the picture on top and clearly visible. When he visit my mom, we like to stay in his room because it's got the biggest bed and I've seen the picture hundreds of times. So we'd gone up many times over the years and one time my wife decided to look at the pictures and then exclaims to me "why do you have a picture of my uncle?" holding it up with a confused look. Turns out that's who the rando was, and he was part of a group that brought Bachchan to California to perform for the Indian community and accompanied him to the airport to see him off.