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Milanos Milano

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  1. We didn’t even try to draft one and train them up. Our answer was to bring back Mitch lol
  2. A GM should be making sure that holes are plug with competent replacements. If controversy arises, you just trade away the slightly lesser talent with more picks. Giving up a ton of losses if your stars go down for any amount of time is unacceptable. It’s not lucky, the GM did his job in finding competent backups.
  3. Look at Montana and Young. Not having a good backup is just an excuse.
  4. Now that Allen has some kind of developing ankle issue, we have no answer if he goes down for any amount of time. Mitch is not a viable backup. We should have drafted a 2nd or 3rd round QB to have groomed for difficult moments. People will say this is not a legitimate worry, but Allen relies on movement in the pocket and out of the pocket. He lives on his ankles. Ankles already being taped up and with a full work load every single week will just add to that stress. I mean look at how much it bothered him at the end of practice. Threw like 50 interceptions.
  5. Great now Allen is hurt. Ankle issues don’t magically go away, they linger especially with the heavy demands of a regular season. Mitch isn’t the answer and we didn’t do anything to address QB2.
  6. It’s not going to matter. She never won anything in the primaries, nobody wants her.
  7. They are Trojan horsing Kamala. She never won in the primaries. Not even a single state. This is the only way they can get her through via bureaucratic means. The American people should be put on notice, your voice doesn’t matter.
  8. Keon Coleman is so slow, that his route tree doesn’t even have any growth rings.
  9. Hey I’m with you in some ways. I’d much rather take Billy B over McD. It’s still doesn’t excuse Allen’s weaknesses which are game management and decision making. If Allen has 1/4 less turnovers, we likely would already have a Super Bowl and home field advantages.
  10. It’s a different kind of overrated. Allen has what is likely an all time great physical elite talent profile. But it isn’t translating to super bowls. But that isn’t really overrated, that is more “disappointing” or “frustrating” he isn’t translating those talents into super bowls.
  11. Allen is just off the charts immensely talented physically which is what yields all this “overrated” “frustration” etc chatter behind him. He should be smoking other QBs on his elite talent alone. Seriously, Josh should be calling up Brady and be like I’m moving in at your place for 3 months. Show me everything you know about the game of football. Even if he managed to improve 15% in that department, we would be talking about finally getting over the hump.
  12. Josh Allen’s weaknesses have always been between the ears. It’s why I’ve always advocated for him to spend an entire summer with Brady trying to digest the game.
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