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  1. He was the best at what was left and a need so I think this is a great pick.
  2. I agree with his health concerns but a two year 5 mil per I think is worth the chance.
  3. Jax has cut Marqise Lee WR he is healthy any interest. I would like him on a short prove it deal
  4. I agree and I think all plays should be reviewed by the booth like college is.
  5. I agree we got out played in pretty much every way you can. I didn’t think Wentz looked like a word beater today but our run defense definitely played horrible and didn’t allow us to get back into the game. I am still excited for this team and think this game will wake them up and we will make the playoffs and have a good chance to win at least one playoff game. We are fine. Go Bills beat Skins.
  6. Hey at least our D looked good and we could/should of won the game. We also covered the spread
  7. Oliver been getting pressure all game. Just needs to wrap up better.
  8. Only down six d keeps it going and the O starts clicking we win this game easy
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