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  1. Granted its only practice but it is hard not to feel good about these sorts of comments.
  2. Expensive items like these are among the reasons why it’s not so uncommon to hear of ballers going broke. Good to see that Milano has no brace or wearable on the previously injured leg. Hopefully a sign that he has truly fully recovered from a serious injury.
  3. Clickbait ….. more controversial = more clicks
  4. Do you not know that it is a violation of cross border statutes to watch the CFL in the US? If we do the Mounties may partner with the FBI to have us arrested.
  5. Ok, so I know there is significantly more demand on bandwidth, streaming, IOT, smartphones, etc. However, in my opinion 5G hardly seems to be the bonanza it was purported to be as it was being launched. I find it to be miserably slow at times. What’s your experience?
  6. There is nothing like the stadium experience and you can’t duplicate it. However, generally speaking you see the game and action better on your TV at home. Which vantage point do you prefer and why? I am personally torn because I love tailgating with friends, the energy of a live game and the people watching aspect of crazy fans. However, I also like the comfort of my abode and the multitude of cameras on the action. If given only one choice, I would have to say live at the stadium is more fun.
  7. Every year there is some player cut who you yo believed was a roster lock. Who is your candidate this year?
  8. With kickoffs being a whole different animal Bass will has a more focused role on the team. The Bills have shown no desire to try to move on from him. Should they after his drop in performance last season?
  9. If you assume that another AFCE team is able to take the division from the Bills, who is most likely to do it and why?
  10. He needs no encouragement for this.
  11. I think we, the fans, will worry about this more than Josh and Beane. They will get a deal done when it is time.
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