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    Virginia Beach

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  1. The fact that the left news was blaming Covid for his slow motion walk up the stairs of the plane yesterday was rich…. as a never Trumper, I’m now a “lesser of two evils” and am a “I’ll probably vote for Trump because it’s the right thing to do for my kids future.”
  2. You’ll let me know if I’m being too much of a snowflake here, but does anyone else think Trump should take a beat here and maybe take a few days off? I don’t agree with most of his views, I find him abrasive, blah blah blah. But he’s a human being who just came what, 1cm from death? Is it too soft to say brother needs to talk to someone about this? That’s some traumatic ***** right there and since he’s likely the next POTUS, shouldn’t his mental well being be of utmost importance?
  3. The fact that any of you are discussing policy in any way right now is pretty ***** up. Ignore the trolls. This is an historically awful day for America.
  4. You think whoever has Biden’s remote control will steer him to a podium to make a statement on this condemning it and wishing Trump a speedy recovery?
  5. Nah, I don’t need any further proof. Now is not the time for his whacky ***** or politics at all. This is insanity and I fear the repercussions. But for now I just hope Trump is ok or will be soon.
  6. i used to think you were a fellow democrat with some strong - if not sometimes whacky - points of view. Now I know you’re just a troll. this is historic. This just handed him the keys to the oval. And this was disgusting.
  7. I’m going to end up voting for a guy I hate to avoid voting for a guy who has declined to a point of being dangerous. Fun times.
  9. He gets the yips. He’s never shown me any reason to not go look somewhere else. The ***** single eye black on his face that looks 12 years old drives me crazy (get off my lawn!) Also, has a kicker ever truly had a rebound in their career? Seems like a skill that once gone, is gone.
  10. Having not lived in WNY since 2004, I would say the summers would keep me away more than the winters. The ungodly humidity combined with relatively limited A/C compared to “warm weather cities” is unbearable for me. I understand why most homes don’t have A/C as it’s a large-ish purchase for something used only a couple months, but those July and August nights are brutal without it.
  11. The skateboarding scene sticks with ya. But then there’s the last 10–15 minutes that are just horrifying.
  12. I’m ok with murdering political opponents, pardons for cash, and paying off endless hookers. But you, sir, have crossed the line. Shame.
  13. Well that’s certainly more terrifying than my take.
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