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Joe Ferguson forever

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  1. Had to look this up. We don't have Max anymore. Is he a good guy or a bad guy?
  2. you seem obsessed with stains. Buy some tide and go to the laundromat. most come out easily.
  3. There's something in this girl's past that wasn't right. She was an AG, senator and VP. What was trump in 2016? A game show host...
  4. Yeah, that's just weird and creepy. It just is.
  5. Fox may be seeing the light soon https://finance.yahoo.com/news/secret-deal-plunged-rupert-murdoch-192342958.html "Now it seems Murdoch has decided that he wants to change it, specifically to put his eldest son Lachlan in charge. The tycoon reportedly began the process late last year, surprising the other three children. Murdoch’s case is that in order to preserve the commercial success of the businesses, especially Fox News, it is vital to have a boss who is politically aligned with them. That means Lachlan, the most conservative of the four siblings, is the best fit. The implication of Murdoch’s secret coup is that the other children, who are more liberal, could not be trusted to keep Fox News and News Corp going at full throttle."
  6. Well, we’ve come to partial agreement. But there were some very powerful people running the fake electors scheme. One is running for prez
  7. Firstly, she's not a prostitute. That's the person Donnie slept with while his 3rd wife was pregnant.... Secondly, the PGA (professional golf assoc)is an American Institution. Donnie supported the Saudi competition. Bryson signed with them. The PGA is now owned by the Saudis. Imagine what you MAGAs would be saying had Biden replaced trump in this transaction. https://undispatch.com/why-saudi-arabia-bought-the-entire-sport-of-professional-golf/ "Yeah. And that’s what’s so different here, right? I mean, if you’re a casual sports fan, you probably have a general idea that you can have foreign investors of teams, right? Americans, for example, own a lot of teams in the Premier League, right? So you have American owners alongside Saudi and Emirati, whatever, owners of British clubs. What’s new here is a foreign government basically being an owner of a sport in the United States, not a team player, but a sport"
  8. So Jan 6 was unimportant? won't be in the US history books? well, probably not if fascists take control.
  9. yeah, I know. At best you fascists think it was no big deal. At worst, a first attempt.
  10. Bryson sold his soul as did the other pros who signed with the LIV tour. Ultimately, this led to the Saudi takeover of the PGA. Personally, I don't like that.
  11. 3100 protesters were arrested. if they broke the law, then that's appropriate. 97% were nonviolent. That's much more than Jan 6 thugs. Plus they weren't trying to overturn an election...
  12. No. We're not the ones supporting a fecally incontinent crook.
  13. if, as Forbes reports, he's worth 7.5 billion, 400 mil is about 5% of assets. I have more than 5% of my portfolio in liquid assets. Right now, they offer very good returns at minimal risk. 5% of assets should be relatively easy for him to raise even if he needs to liquidate some solid positions. The real question is why lenders don't trust him enough to lend him $400 mil when he is supposedly worth so much more? the Forbes estimate shows liquid assets nearing $400 mil. Guess they were wrong. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/# In regards to financial chops, I do fine. You?
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