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  1. Definitely hard to see, but awesome for her to be there. Although she can't express it, I'm sure this is awesome for her to be with the team and watching practice.
  2. Have you guys ever listened to the Vikings analysts? Or the Patriots? Bills could do much worse than Chris brown. Also, he'll improve with time. He got thrown into the position after Murphy had a stroke
  3. Ya they start pretty early. I was at Fisher working last summer and they were there setting up. This was probly about 10 days prior to camp. What surprised me was the amount of bills people there working that far ahead of camp. Goes to show how much work goes into it that we never even see
  4. I know people love summer, but personally I look forward to September (not just for football, but the weather also) the way most people look forward to summer. There's nothing like those cool nights and warm days with no humidity. My favorite time of year, not to mention the bills being on every week
  5. I mean holy cow. I guess in the busy-ness of life I didn't realize we're 11 days away! Camp isn't the most exciting thing in the world, but if you're like me, it's pretty much non stop football until the superbowl. Let's go!
  6. We'll get spero dedas (or however it's spelled) gaurenteed. For some reason he does alot of bills games. I don't mind him
  7. They still lack a true number 1, though Coleman could be that in time. I just go back to the argument that when we needed Diggs the most, he was nowhere to be found. So, we'll be alright.
  8. Always loved the matte finish on helmets. Would love to see the bills do it
  9. Honestly I don't think it was the bills. The fans were screaming for his head. This is the unfortunate part of cancel culture. What in wish is there was a way for the bills to have owned the rights to his contract while the whole thing played out
  10. This "should" be a decent game. The two best minor league football teams should give us at least some entertainment. I'll watch cuz honestly I have absolutely nothing else happening today 🤷
  11. Every now and then when I watch a ufl game I think to myself, hey that guy's pretty good.... But I couldn't tell you their names to save my life 😅
  12. I don't know. I was kinda just typing thoughts. However, I do think Brady has a plan to utilize the bills offense. I think guys are gonna be more productive than we realize
  13. I think I see what beane and McDermott are doing. I remember years and years ago when the nfl was a run heavy league, people used to say wide receivers were a dime a dozen. I think (to some degree) the nfl is going back to that. Not cuz teams run so much, but because it's such a pass happy league now, wr's are readily available. So beane signs a bunch of good receivers, without having a true number 1. I get it. The production is there without spending insane amounts of money on a true number 1 wr. I bet the production is just as good with mid wr's. I'm rambling. Beane is a genius
  14. I think beane/McDermott know what they're doing. Every season we seem to say "what are they doing!?" and then somehow, they end up being right (for the most part). I think Joe Brady has a plan in place with the offensive group the bills have. I said it a few months ago, and I'll say it again, nobody we lost this offseason had a huge impact on games. I think losing Morse sucks, but everyone else is replaceable. Our best games last season were with Diggs basically being nonexistent. I hope other teams and fans sleep on the bills offense. I can't wait to see these guys thrive
  15. I still want beane to trade for Hopkins. Been wanting him for the last year now.
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