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May Day 10

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  1. and 8th in the AFC. Im not sure what choice Miami really had here. Their window is now, and the alternatives are probably a downgrade from Tua. 4 Years is actually a manageable term. IMO if Tyreek Hill ever gets injured, that offense is going to short-circuit in an epic way.
  2. Great news and progress for her getting out there. Its tough to see. The last time we saw her, she was such a strong woman. This news of her health really hit me watching the video.
  3. This. It is Cashman and Hank. I feel like the Yankees are behind the times with team-building. They seem to be stuck between their 'brute-force' acquiring and paying players and also not. If you are going to pay, go all-out Dodgers. If not, maybe let Judge walk and use that money to fill 3-6 spots in the lineup/bullpen. Im a Cleveland fan. The amount of smart building they do, and have done over the years is mind-boggling. They are like a pitching factory, and they seem to trade players at the perfect time and get players in return who contribute in a few years time. Kluber, Clevinger, Bauer, even Lindor. The Yankees seem too tempted by and willing to keep paying players on their back-stretch. Data says the Yankees draft and develop well. Why isnt it translating? Or is the bar just too high? These collapses that seem to happen every year hurt perception. I like Boone. I feel like he is well respected amongst players, and he is basically a by-the-binder manager, which is and should be fine.
  4. I get annoyed when you see pre-season predictions (in any sport) and its basically a carbon-copy of the previous season. The Jets is a tough pick for the Super Bowl IMO. I also think the Packers-love is over-the top. The jets need to leapfrog several good teams in the AFC alone. Buffalo, Baltimore, Miami, Houston, KC, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and jacksonville. Can also include Pittsburgh in there who never seems to want to go-away. I do think the Jets can make some noise, but as we know, it is a brutal conference to get out of. I would eat my hat if the Jets are going to waltz in and be the team to up-end the Chiefs, especially on the road in the AFCC.
  5. It was horrible. We tried it one time with a large group we had on a bus. It was overpriced and more hassle than it was worth. We did it again this year (which isnt Tailgate Guys or whatever it was called), and it was even worse. Basically cordoned us off in a mostly empty lot. We might as well have been tailgating on the moon
  6. I agree with this. Even Sal would probably laugh if someone suggested he take that job. Murphy I thought was pretty bad. I didn't like how he would repeat things 3-4 times, and he skimped on giving details (down, distance, how far a pass travels, etc). Touchdown! Its a touchdown! Touchdown Buffalo! and the Bills score. I like John Murphy as a person and professional though, and watch games in person or on TV 99% of the time, so I really didnt mind him.
  7. Yeah, they should do better. Brown is OK as a fill-in, but not a permanent PbP guy. He sounds like a DIII College pbp guy. Dunleavy for the Sabres is actually pretty good. he has a few deficiencies that get under my skin (some annoying nicknames and calling players by their first name only at times). Overall, he has a good voice for hockey and has a good cadence. I remember when the Pegula outfit was grooming Kevyn Sylvester for the next Sabres pbp guy. Oooooof. Things could be so much worse. Luckily the Sabres had Ted Black as president at the time, who would reach out to fans. They did a survey on their media, and learned that hatred of Sylvester was pretty much unanimous.
  8. It's a sad one. She took on her fight with courage and dignity. I was never a watcher of her shows, but she entertained and touched the lives of millions in that way, and that's pretty cool.
  9. Our winters now are constant 40 degree weather, with 2 major snow events
  10. Things like this used to bother me and get under my skin. He isn't entirely wrong though. While south Florida isn't my cup of tea, buffalo, even with all it's charms and acquired tastes, is a few notches below most other pro sports cities. Desperately need a fortune 500 or 3 to anchor downtown. Need money, people, and a self-sustained downtown economy. People dislike the snow and cold. I do wonder when/if our climate and access to cold water could make this area a huge hot spot by the time jonnu Smith is an old man
  11. Classic 80s player Those Browns teams were pretty decent. Webster Slaughter, Ozzie Newsome, Reggie Langhorne with Kosar throwing in old Cleveland Municipal.
  12. With the high side, it kind of reminds me of War Memorial Stadium
  13. Sam Dickinson was the guy. Top 5 talent. They traded out of that pick though for some reason.
  14. I loathe trump. This debate is a slaughter. Trump looks 10x more presidential than Biden. The dnc needs to make a change.
  15. It is common belief that ty cobb was a racist monster. In recent years, a lot of al stump's slander has been peeled back. Ty Cobb was, in fact, was a vocal supporter of integration. https://nypost.com/2015/05/31/how-ty-cobb-was-framed-as-a-racist/
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