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  1. Hold on there chief! To start, to my knowledge I never said that bolded part, that's your taking quite the liberties in reformulating what I did say. I make it a point to try to avoid extremes like that. Otherwise, you said this ... Last season he was in the top 10 in ALL categories of throws - 10 yards, 20, 30, 40, 50. ... to which I asked you where you got your data from. So where did you get it from? You said it, not me. I can't imagine that you just made it up. So what's the source? Again, I'd like to take a look at it. Maybe I'll learn something. After that, I've posted quite a few clips of Allen doing just what I said. I've probably posted them a few dozen times over the past 18 months or so. In fact, I've mentioned that making a montage of them would be a snap. I could probably get 10 minutes worth easily if I can get the All-22 videos, which I've been unable to subscribe to, which I've also explained here. But simply watching any game it's easy to come up with a bunch of 'em.
  2. This isn't about what you or I thought. As to people in a position to know, if they're in a position to know, strongs odds are that they're sympathetic to the org & coach, otherwise they more than likely wouldn't be in a position to know. We'll know for certain whether or not it's true if Diggs hasn't really lost a step. You've heard me say it before, I'll say it again, anyone truly believing that Diggs "lost a step" within a matter of weeks is a gullible fool. It's funny, because in Houston Case Keenum not long ago was saying how Diggs was even faster than he remembered him in Minnesota. Other players on Houston validated that and remarked that Diggs had not lost a step. So it will be interesting. It's a bit disingenuous for anyone to dismiss anything anyone says about other NFL players except for those on our team. Wouldn't you say. As to Diggs, I won't disagree, I decried that it was nonsense that there was nothing to the "all's well" statements by McD, Allen, etc. Who cares, that doesn't matter what you or I thought, but most people here agreed, yet they were lied to, deceived, and misled. But for some odd reason everything being told us henceforth is true. Come on now. The question is what really was the issue with Diggs. Given his role in Brady's offense, coupled with the built-for-imbeciles narrative that he "lost a step" entirely out of the blue, it's quite fair to say that there's a whole lot more than meets the eye/team-statements here, whether from McD & Co. directly, or "in the know" people obviously sympathetic to the same. It is quite possible that Diggs sees what many of us see, a head coach that continually attempts to cram a square peg into a round hole. This season appears to be the capstone season for trying to get it in there. One thing's for sure, a whole lot of things will become known this season. A whole lot of 'em. The places to hide are quickly running out. As to the offense, I can envision us being the highest scoring offense in the league, but not with an OC who's under McD's complimentary football thumb, and not under Brady, whose average offenses in his two seasons as OC elsewhere were ranked 26th in scoring and 24th in yardage, bottom quartile, and who was fired towards the end of his second season. I can see it being led by someone competent and that understands that the NFL's rules these days favor passing like never before, and knows how to capitalize on that. But again, you'll never see that here under McD as the head coach, it simply won't happen.
  3. To start, I'd love to see the data on that and what it means as put out. I'm not buying it at all from a decision-making aspect. Again, the issue isn't the throw itself, which you seem to be highlighting. It's about the decision as to whether or not, or where to throw to. What's the source of that? I'd like to look it over. It's hardly a stretch to realize that that's likely why he got the job. Yeah, who knows, but at this point if it doesn't work, McD may be out of lives. ... and scapegoats. I can see him blaming the defensive woes if they exist, on Babich, but Babich was his choice, ... again.
  4. The question is how much does that offense have to rely exclusively on Allen to make that happen, particularly in the running game. According to the one camp report posted here today, he was down on the field and had his ankle wrapped. We must assume that it's nothing, but if it isn't nothing or gets worse, high-ankle sprain or whatever, then it will heavily impact his ability to run.
  5. Well, OK, but the fact is that while you may believe that, it is not necessarily true. Remember, last season at this time there were zero issues whatsoever wrt Diggs, none, everything was hunky dory. He and Allen were forever besties, there was nothing between he and the team/McD, etc. That obviously turned out to not be 100% true to understate matters, really more like nearly entirely false. And yes, I understand your position, nor did I suggest that you think it will work out, but plenty reading it do think it's going to be all peaches and roses. You've read here. Insofar as the plan here goes, regardless of what it's called, how coaches refer to it, the official strategies involved, etc., it appears that the offense this year is attempting to be the type where creativity is used in the routes and receivers, and that the plan is for Allen to have the plays develop while hitting the open guy for whatever gain we can get, or thereabouts without much specificity being offered by the team/coaching staff contrarily. In short, the writing on the wall suggests a mitigation in our deeper passing game, focusing instead on the short-medium high-percentage passing game as they call it. Numerous people have in similar words stated as much here and elsewhere. If that's true, then it is also irrefutable that this will be the first time that Allen plays this way. He hasn't even typically much less consistently taken advantage of the short-medium higher percentage receivers that have been wide open in the past, opting instead to go deep, for better or for worse. So this will be new territory for him. All we have as a reference is Brady's system at the end of last season which produced below-average metrics for Allen, way below on the efficiency metrics. No doubt we're all curious as to how this shakes out. The one thing that we do know is that it'll be interesting one way or the other.
  6. Yeah, that's the narrative, but the official narratives have proven to have not been entirely truthful often at best, lies at worst. If you merge the two, that was very likely the reason why Diggs wanted out. It's way premature for anyone to insist that this "new approach," and a style that Allen has yet to play regularly much less master to this date, will be an improvement. It sounds catchy, cook, even mildly innovative, but we've heard many things this time of year that never panned out. At best for the time being, we'll see how it shakes out. Pinning the entirety of the situation on a superficial narrative however doesn't line up with reality. I know you'll disagree, obviously, since implicitly you already have, but nonetheless.
  7. LOL, you'd think that they could have ironed that table drape. It looks like someone pulled it out of the trunk of their car where it was all balled up.
  8. Why not, we already have Allen at RB. Maybe he can play C too. This also implies that perhaps there was more to Diggs' release than has been let on. Because the reasons for his release now make even less sense at face value anyway.
  9. Tough to say they'd have won the division, but it would have been much closer. I don't know why anyone is up in arms about this, if Rodgers stays healthy all season, and no doubt their prediction depends upon that, it should hardly be a reach that they win the division. If their offense supports their D like ours does, then their D is better than ours.
  10. That will largely be the determinant as to how good we are this season. 🤞
  11. Lighten up a little, I was just kidding, ... sort of.
  12. No, you still missed it, the basis anyway. No need to discuss further however. I'm very open to the notion that it didn't mean as much as it may seem, but there is a difference, as pointed out, between us and the others.
  13. No, as usual, you leapfrogged the primary point. No worries, I'm used to it.
  14. Interesting comment. So I did some minor research. KC: Yes, in their worst season in 6 seasons. The year prior not the case. '21, the opposite. '20 not the case. Bal: To three above-average rushing teams. 3 of our 4 were against well below-average rushing teams. Neither team narrowly missed making the playoffs either and were not in the same situations, losing games to notably inferior teams more often than not. The difference must be coaching.
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