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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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Not impressed by this trade at all. 


You don't have a legit number 1, your number 2 left in FA, and don't have an early 1st round draft pick to grab one of the best WRs. Oh, and plenty of dead cap to go with it, unless I missed something (which I may have, didn't read the whole thread).


If they can't get a top WR, I hope they go OL so Josh will have more time to find these underwhelming receivers & for them to get open.

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You know what, now is a good time to spill the beans on what I was told earlier this year - In the home Patriots game, Diggs chose to sit out the first drive of the 2nd half because he was upset with Allen's play in the 1st half. It wasn't an injury or part of the game plan. He decided to screw over his team and sit out a drive because he couldn't get over himself.


I suspect other stories like this will come out in the coming days. A couple aren't mine to tell. Guy was a total headcase and a major distraction in more ways than one.


Edited by HappyDays
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Just now, The Wiz said:

just to clarify, only one of those picks is this year.  The other is a 2025 pick.


Yeah, I know that.  Just meant we gave up some trade ammo in this trade too to get back a marginal amount of trade ammo for this draft if that was the mindset.  

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4 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


Yeah, and I was saying all offseason I felt there was no way we would trade Diggs before the draft and take on that much dead cap hit unless something behind the scenes forced the issue.  And thus far, nothing has come out that would qualify as significant enough to make this move.


So it makes me wonder what we are going to find out now that Diggs has been moved.  Seems like this had to be an "addition by subtraction" move in Beanes eyes to take on that dead cap and not even get a pick in this WR rich draft back.  I mean he didn't even wait until after June 1st when the cap was less of a hit which would have made more business sense given we got no picks back in this draft. 


So I am really curious to what we are gonna hear that was going on behind the scenes that he had to make this move and take this weak compensation back.

He became a supreme a-hole and they were tired of his act.  I’m not the least bit surprised by the trade based on what I’ve heard about this guy.  

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Just now, Mark Vader said:

Yes, I just don't see how they can climb that high in the draft to get a player like that.


It's supposed to be a deep draft for WR's this year. Beane has to get some weapons out of this draft for Allen. If they trade up or not I have to think WR is the pick in Rd 1. Probably going to take more than one WR this draft. I can't wait to hear Beane's press conference for this. The media is going to have a lot of questions to ask.

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Just now, DrDawkinstein said:


But teams can go outside of that formula. It literally happened when Texans traded Osweiler to Cleveland just to get his guaranteed money off their books.


That was cleveland acquiring base salary guarantees though.  They acquired his contract like any other trade.  They just had a ton of cap space to eat it.  


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5 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


"By the book", yes. But Houston can take on whatever they want, and even send us straight up cash.


If Houston paid some of the dead cap, it makes the deal only marginally better.  This says not.



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15 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

I mean is this is real, I don't see how the hell Beane waits until 28. Either he is 100% confident that he can get a guy in the 1st round, or the Bills window just closed.

I see a trade with the NYG.

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Just now, Bills!Win! said:

Before everyone jumps off the rainbow bridge 


The Chiefs received a little more than a future 2nd and a 6th but I like the optimism.  

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Just now, Cray51 said:

A lot of people that were trashing Diggs as a non-impact player in the back half of last year are coming out now and upset that we traded our star talent.


I loved Diggs, but I understand why he was moved.  Any disruption/age/injury/cap implications are valid


No one cares about this from a football perspective other than it creating a hole at a position. Eating 31M in cap space for a return of a pick NEXT year is the issue. 

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28 minutes ago, Mat68 said:

A 2nd for a 30 year old wr is above market.  Heck Amari Cooper was traded for a 4th and was younger. 

I think the Bills were at the point to just move on.  Have guys that want to be here and play with Josh.  Take the medicine and move on. Having Diggs wont make Buffalo more or less likely to win it all. 

Amen. The over-reaction on this board is hilarious.


And for everyone bitching that it is "only" a 2nd round pick, we also got a 6th this year, and a 5th next year.  Those picks matter when you are reloading the roster.


***My bad! I misread the announcement.  We gave up the 5th and 6th. Wishful thinking on my part I guess. Damn!***


Edited by buffaloboyinATL
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1 minute ago, Cray51 said:

Not that I would be a fan of it, but having 2 seconds next year might give us enough confidence to move our 1st next year.  28+ First for Brian Thomas Jr?


Actually, that is a good thought, I had not considered that when thinking about the draft ammo for this year.  So yeah, actually this point makes a lot more sense.  Still doesn't make me feel good about our comp in this trade weighed with the cap issues it comes with, but you made a very good point on how it might impact their mindset on being aggressive to go up for a WR.  

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